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Karen went back to where everyone else was for bible study and sat next to Drew. They got ready for it to start recording, but Karen was feeling nauseous and had cramps the whole time. She knew it wasn't pregnancy because she was too old to be pregnant again.

She tried to focus on the lesson, but the feeling of sickness only grew stronger. Drew noticed her discomfort and asked if she was okay. Karen managed to smile and nod, not wanting to draw attention to herself. However, as the nausea intensified, she excused herself and hurried to the bathroom.

Once inside, she leaned over the sink, trying to calm her churning stomach. After a few minutes, she felt a bit better. Taking a deep breath, she composed herself and returned to the study. Despite the lingering unease, Karen was determined to make it through the session.

But as Bible study began to end Karen's nausea and pain got worse and she got up and ran to the bathroom with her hand over her mouth. Drew ended bible study and went to the bathroom to hear Karen groaning as she laid her head on the bathroom counter.

Concerned, Drew asked, "Are you okay, Karen? Can I get you anything?" Karen shook her head, trying to hold back another wave of nausea. "I think I just need to lay down for a bit," she managed to say before closing her eyes.

Drew picked Karen up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and she put her face in his neck going to sleep and he walked out the bathroom and went to where Karen's stuff was and he grabbed everything and took her home texting Dorinda telling her to lock the church up for him.

As he drove Karen home, he couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment with her in his arms. He knew that he would do anything to protect her and keep her safe. And as they arrived at her house, he carried her inside and gently laid her down on the bed, tucking her in before kissing her forehead and whispering, "Sweet dreams, my love."

Karen smiled in her sleep. Drew went and took a shower. When he came out, he saw Karen awake, leaning over with her head on the dresser, moving side to side in pain. "Baby, what's wrong?" Drew asked, but Karen didn't say anything. Instead, she just shhed him. Karen was pregnant and possibly in labor again at 40, and they didn't even know it.

Drew's eyes widened in shock as he realized the situation. He quickly helped Karen get ready and rushed her to the hospital. Despite the unexpected turn of events, they were both filled with excitement and nervousness at the thought of welcoming a new addition to their family.
Karen sobbed in pain and nervousness. She squeezed Drew's hand as she felt another contraction, and her nails went into his skin, drawing blood.

"Ow, Karen," Drew said. "SHUT UP!" Karen yelled. Soon she was taken to get a c-section and she was scared and now high out of her mind. They decided to play music to calm her nerves. The soothing melodies filled the room as Karen lay on the operating table, trying to relax as much as possible.

The doctors and nurses worked quickly and efficiently, and before she knew it, she heard the sound of her baby crying. Tears of joy streamed down her face as she held her newborn in her arms for the first time. The music continued to play in the background, creating a sense of peace and happiness in the room.

Karen looked up at Drew, whose smile turned into a frown and he walked out of the room. The nurse took the baby to get a few tests and Karen was stitched up before being taken into her real room. As she lay there, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness and sadness. She had just given birth to a beautiful baby, but the absence of Drew made her heart ache.

Karen was trying to figure out why Drew was mad and left but when her baby came back she knew why - the babygirl looked mixed she had hazel gray eyes but Karen and Drew had brown eyes. Karen couldn't say they switched her baby because the baby looked like her.

Karen stared at her daughter in disbelief, trying to process the situation. She couldn't deny the striking difference in eye color between her and Drew's baby and the baby in front of her.

She never cheated on Drew but she couldn't say the same for Drew so maybe it was genetics. Karen picked her baby up and laid her on her chest. "You're my little angel," Karen said. Finally, Drew came back but he sat away from Karen and the baby. Karen could sense the distance between them and it broke her heart.

The nurse came in with the baby's birth certificate. "What's gonna be the baby's name?" the nurse asked. "Don't give her my last name," Drew told Karen. "Kadence Grace Clark," Karen said hesitantly. "Okay," the nurse said. Karen signed the birth certificate, but Drew didn't. Karen hated the fact Kadence had her last name and not Drew's, but that's what he wanted.
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