Part 50

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Here is the next part.. Please ignore typos and errors..

Laksh enters sanskaar's room hesitantly.. Sanskaar was standing facing the other side..

Laksh - Sanskaar..

He immediately turns and rushing to him holds his collar and pushes him towards the wall..

Laksh was shocked by this sudden move..he looked at sanskaar who had redy eyes while tears were flowing from it..

Sanskaar - I hate you.. I bloody hate you so much at this moment..

Laksh - Sanskaar.. I know..

Sanskaar - No you don't.. Don't even dare to claim that you know because you don't.. You never will..

Saying that he leaves his collar with a jerk and turns away..

Laksh - Sanskaar hate me as much as you want but thank you..thank you so much.. I can't imagine what would have happened if ragini....... No....

Sanskaar - Yeah and that's why I couldn't do it.. That girl.. She is completely crazy for you.. Almost blindly.. You hung up the moon and stars for her.. And you want to know what would have happened if I told the truth..?? She would have turned like this (pointing at himself) a worse version of it..Confused, angry, betrayed, feeling like a fool and losing the trust even on herself.. You want to know what would have happened..?? The smile.. The big wide smile on her face would have been lost.. The twinkle of her eyes while she looks at you that would have been lost.. And I couldn't do it.. I just couldn't.. I am ready to willow in this self misery but I can't let her be as miserable as me.. To live with the fact that the person we trust the most has betrayed us..

Laksh looks down hearing that.. Tears flowing from his eyes.. Of course he is not proud of what he did.. Betraying ragini felt like the biggest crime he had ever done but he had no other option as well..

Sanskaar (chuckling bitterly) - lucky.. Very true to your name.. Indeed very lucky.. Even after doing all this you get to have her, her trust, her love everything while I can't even do anything even after suffering so much.. So unfair.. So so unfair..

Sanskaar cry out in frustration..

Laksh - I am sorry sanskaar.. I..

Sanskaar ( looking at him sharply) - Your sorry is not going to make anything better.. So keep it with you.. Just make sure that you come as less as you could in front of me because you are the person I hate the most right now and even I am not sure what I will do when you are in front of me so it's better that you just stay the hell away from me because neither you nor me wants that ragini hear anything that she should not from my mouth..

Laksh - I know it would be impossible for you to forgive me but still I am sorry.. It would be cruel to even expect you to understand my pov but hopefully you will find it in yourself to atleast let go of some grudges..

Sanskaar(without looking at him) - I won't.. Now get lost..

Laksh looks at him and then nodding his head guiltily goes away from there..

He will never be guilty for having ragini with him but he is definitely guilty that sanskaar had to go through so much because of it.. He is right at his place..he can't expect sanskaar to forgive him ever..


Ragini enters inside their room with her mehendi clad hands .. She looks at laksh sitting on bed, laptop placed in front of him but he was lost somewhere.. She frowns noticing this..

She goes towards washroom to remove her mehendi and then returns to see lkash working but still looking lost..

Ragini sits on the bed and moving closer to him, holds his arm and puts her head on his shoulder..

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