Part 55

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Here is the next part.. Please ignore typos and errors..


Just shut up.. Not a word..

Laksh looks at her with fiery eyes while ragini gets shocked at his outburst..

It was the first time he had used such a loud tone with her and the way he looked at her, it was nowhere that gentle loving look he always had for her..

Laksh - How could you Ragini..?? HOW.....??

He shakes his head still in disbelief of what she just said..

Did she really..??
She really did that..?? That's what she thinks about him..??

The mere thought of this made him feel as if thousands of ants were crawling all over him..

He felt disgusted with himself..

He looks at her.. Ragini was startled to see the way he looked..

Laksh - I..

He stops and takes a deep breath as he started feeling of hyperventilation..

Laksh - I am not a good person Ragini but there are two things that matters to me the most.. You and My love for you and you are insulting both .. Never do that again....... Please.....

He says all this with difficulty and then not able to say anything further he turns and goes out of the room while ragini keeps on looking at his back..

Tears starts falling from her eyes as she fell on her knees and cry out at the state they were in..


Ragini was asleep while sitting on the ground and her head leaning on bed when she wakes up startled by the sudden sound  ..

It was dark in the room so it takes some time for her eyes to get used to but saw the figure stumbling around in the room..

After realizing it was laksh she gets up in shock and moves to him as he again stumbles in his steps..

Ragini - Laksh..

He looks up at her and smiles struggling to keep his eyes open..

Laksh - You came.. You once again came to me..

Ragini gets concerned by his behavioie and takes a step towards him but pause in between with hesitation..

Laksh - Dont.. Don't come near me..

He chuckles ..

Laksh - You find me disgusting, right..?? Now you will feel even more disgusted..

Ragini - You are drunk..??

Laksh widens his eyes and covers his mouth nodding in yes but then immediately shakes his head in no..

Ragini could not believe he was actually drunk.. She is someone who had an extreme aversion towards alcohol and although she knew that laksh had different lifestyle but she had never seen him drinking.. At least not when he was with her..

Ragini closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.. Opening her eyes she turns to go but then stops and again turns towards him..

Laksh looks down and although she could not see clearly, his countenance resembled too vulnerable..

Laksh - I know you hate alcohol and i would never do anything you hate bug what to do.. Today I just could not bear it.. It.. It was too much..

He looks up at her and again smile..

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