Part 53

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Here is the next part.. Please ignore typos and errors..


Shekhar looks shocked at her sad but determined face..

Shekhar - What did you just say..??

Ragini - I said I am not going anywhere.. I will stay here only..

Shekhar - After everything that this guy has done..??

Ragini - Didn't you all teach me from childhood that my husband's home is my real home and all that stuff.. So i am following that..

Laksh - Ragini..

Rahini clenches her fist hearing him..she closes her eyes to control herself..

Although there was a slight reaction but laksh noticed it accurately as his whole focus was completely on ragini..

He understood that she wants to handle it herself in her own way and out of all the people, he is not someone she wants to interfere..

He looks down silently as that's what he deserves.. At least Ragini is not going away..

Shekhar - You don't have to think about anything.. You just come with me.. You don't have to stay here for even a single second.. Let's go..

He held her hand and took her away..

Laksh was about to move forward to stop her but saw Shekhar stopping turning in surprise to look at ragini who hasn't moved even a step..

Shekhar - Ragini..

Ragini - I said I am not going..

Shekhar - Are you out of your mind..?? You are this adamant for this guy.. ?? The one who betrayed you..?? The one who ruined your life and your sisters life.. The one who can do thos with his own brother, you are still siding with him..??

Ragini looks at him straight in the eyes..

Ragini - Tell me baba what are you even angry for  ?? That he betrayed me Or just the fact that he betrayed swara..??

Shekhar (shouting) - Ragini..

Ragini (without any change in face) - Just for the fact , he did not betray swara..

She stops and then chuckles..

Ragini - No.. Actually I am not sure.. I am not sure about what was the truth amidst the lies but one thing I am sure about is that I am not going anywhere.. I am not leaving him..... Hevfid spnmuch so that he can make me stay with him, right..?? So that's what I will do.. I am not leaving him.

Shekhar - So you will not listen to me.. Your baba as well..??

Ragini - I am sorry but this time I can't do  what you say..??

Shekhar - Wow Ragini.. You amaze me.. Weren't you the one who use to say that you can do anything for the family . . Nothing comes in front of family for you and now you are opposing your family for this guy..?? You are going against your father for him..

Ragini - Have you forgotten he is my husband..?? And no one is a closer family than a husband, right..?? So I am doing what I have always promises to do.. Supporting my family.. My husband..

Shekhar - Oh.. So this guy who just came tomorrow is more important for you than your father.. You have finally shown your true face ragini.... It was all a guise to be that pure hearted girl who showed herself as mahaan..

Ragini widens her eyes hearing those words from her father.. She clenches her fist even harder that her nails were scratching her palm.....

Even maheswaris were shocked to hear Shekhar say this..

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