Part 57

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Here is the next part.. Please enjoy and ignore typos and errors..


Laksh - You can't do this ragini.. You can't go away from me.. Please Ragini don't do this to me..

Ragini (shocked) - Laksh.. What are you saying..?? Why would you think like that.. I....

Laksh (tears flowing out from his eyes) - I am sorry.. I.. I never said.. I should have told you earlier.. I.. I love you.. I love you very much..I have always loved you..I can't live without you.. Please don't go away.. Please.. Please..

Ragini was totally confused but cups his cheeks to calm him down..

Ragini - Laksh relax.. You are taking it all wrong.. Why are you saying this.. ??

Laksh holds her arms and looks at her in desperation..

Laksh - Ragini.. Please dont leave me.. Please.. Please.. Ple..... ase...

Suddenly his eyes dropped down and he faints..

Ragini - Laksh.. Laksh.. What happened.. Laksh..??

Everyone else gets worried for him.. Doctor comes to check up on him..

Ragini - Doctor.. Please look at him.. What is wrong with him.. ?? He was saying all these strange things.. What is wrong doctor.. Is he ok..??

Doctor - Relax.. We will check up on him. You all please wait outside..

Ragini (crying) - Please.. Please.. Do something..

Doctor - Dont worry.. He will be fine.. You  calm down.. You please take her out side..

Pari and adarsh takes her outside along with others.. Ragini looks at unconscious laksh worriedly..


All of them were waiting outside feeling tensed for him..

Doctor comes outside.. They all goes upto him..

Ragini - how is he.. Is he ok.. What has happened..??

Doctor - from what we have observed I think due to hit on the head there are few gaps in his memory.. We have detected an old wound from his scans.. From his medical history we found that he had a severe accident last year..

Ragini - Yes.. He had an accident some time back.. It was quite major..

Doctor - maybe because of that his memory has been affected.. He is associating situations with the happenings from that time..

Ragini widens his eyes in shock..

Ragini - What...?? You.. You mean memory loss.....??

Doctor - Yes.. Partial amnesia..

Everyone gets shocked hearing this..

Ragini stumbles back in disbelief..

Ragini - La.. ksh....

She remembered that last time his accident happened just after her and sanskaar relation got fixed..

So that's why when he saw mangalsutra and sindoor on her he thought she and sanskaar were married and had a panic attack..

Doctor - You have to handle him properly.. His situation is quite delicate, not only physically but mentally as well..something that can affect him or shock him should not be mentioned casually..

Ap - Will he be fine doctor..?? When will he remember everything..??

Doctor - we can't say anything about it.. It totally depends on time.. With time maybe he will recover his memories slowly or maybe it take years .. Nothing can be said..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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