Chapter 5 - Swimming Class

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"Good morning Yamauchi!'' '

"Good morning Ike!''

When I arrived at school at the same time as usual a week after entering the school, Ike and Yamauchi, the problem children in my class, were greeting each other with big smiles.

It's been a week since school started and the two of them weren't late, but it was still creepy because they came every day at the last minute.

"Oh no, I was so excited about the class that my eyes were wide open. I guess I couldn't sleep."

"Hahaha, I get it . I'm the same after all. This school is the best. I've been swimming since April. A class will be held!”

By the way, swimming class started today at this school. And it's co-ed. In other words, male students can legally see female students in school swimsuits.

But these guys... they always say that they want a girlfriend, or that real people and good-looking guys should die, but don't they understand that it's better not to say such things out loud?

If you think about it normally, that's probably the reason why they can't do it. In fact, most of the girls in the class were looking at the two as if they were looking at cockroaches.

Although I was taken aback by the two's behavior, I sat down honestly, spread out the chess board, and began playing chess problems. I can't calm down unless I do this...

While thinking that, I moved the pieces for a while...

"Hey, Hikigaya."

Ike is calling my name. When you look up, he beckons.

If you look, most of the boys in the class are around Ike and Yamauchi.

Honestly, I don't want to get involved, but it would be troublesome if I ignored it, so I'll just listen to what they have to say and get it over with quickly.

I sigh and head towards them.

"what is it?"

"Actually, right now we're going to bet on the size of the breasts of the girls in our class"

"Sorry I decline. Please don't talk to me for the rest of  our school days. I'll greatly appreciate it.''

"Wait, wait! Aren't you curious? Everyone voted! ”

“I’m not interested.”

Actually, the girls are already staring at me and I don't want to get involved.

"What the hell? You're... Ah! I see! You like small breasts! I'm sure you're not interested!"

Ike nods as if he understands, and Yamauchi also nods as if he sensed something, but...

“Why do you think I like small breasts?”

I don't understand that. To be honest, I don't care if she has small breasts or big breasts, I'm fine with any girl who is beautiful and can support me.

"Huh? Because Sakayanagi-chan, who is good friends with you, has small breasts, and Shiina-chan isn't that big either."

If Sakayanagi heard that line, Ike would probably be dead.

Due to Sakayanagi's personality, she will probably try to crush them with a sneer instead of breaking them into small bread crumps.

I'll happily put the flower pot on his desk myself.

As for Shiina...she won't get angry and will react as usual. Actually, I can't imagine Shiina getting angry at all.

I sometimes see her laugh, but Shiina generally has less emotional ups and downs than I do.

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