Chapter 150

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During the lunch break after the special exam announcement, I leave the classroom with Hiyori's special bento.

Chiaki is having dinner with Karuizawa and the others, so she remains in the classroom.

When I headed to the courtyard, Hiyori and the others were already there.

"Thank you for your hard work, Hachiman-kun. Now that everyone is here, let's eat."


At Hiyori's words, we say hello and begin eating.

“Still, it would be troublesome to have a special exam right away...”

"I think our class can easily win first place."

Masumi's words are true. At least if it were a class-based competition, they would definitely win.

This is because there is not a single person in Class A who has an academic evaluation of D or lower.

On the other hand, there are 11 people in Hiyori's B class, 12 in our class, and 4 in Ichinose's D class.


“If it’s just class points.”

"Yes. Class points are not very important in this special exam. What is important is gaining a connection with the first years, and reducing the amount of money leaked."

This exam is most likely going to be a money game.

There are ways to do things, such as the strong one in the first year trying to sell to the weaker one in the second year, or the second year trying to get the strong one in the first year to obey by giving them more compensation.

In this case, Arisu's class, which has ample funds from the beginning of enrollment, has an overwhelming advantage, but Ryuen will probably try to increase the outflow of points held by A class as much as possible through tactics.

"Well, it's a huge advantage not to have to rescue idiots."

Among first-year students, there are 17 students in A class, 13 students in B class, 14 students in C class, and 11 students in D class, for a total of 55 students whose academic ability is B or above, but my class and Hiyori's class are full of academic scumbags.

"That's right. By the way, how does Hachiman-kun move?"

Arisu said so, but I am already in action.

"For the time being, I'm just gaining trust from C-class."

While saying this, I took out my phone and showed the three of us the chat exchange.

"Isshiki, if you become the leader, how about watching the idiots in your class study?”

"Really? Well then, please take care of these 9 idiots whose academic ability is below D. Now that I'm the class leader, I threaten them to join the study group. The reward will be based on the progress of the idiot's performance.''

"Understood. Leave it to me.''

Such an exchange is displayed.

"That's what it feels like. It's difficult for one person to take care of nine people, but I'm going to treat one of the C class students as Chiaki's friends and have her cooperate."

If I were Isshiki's senior and Chiaki was ostensibly a friend of a C class student, there would be no suspicions even if we were together.

Arisu laughs and nods.

"I see. If you do this, you'll be able to make other Class C students besides Isshiki-san your allies. Even so, it's more than I imagined that she'll already become a leader."

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