SMG4: Mario Waits in Line For Some Spaghetti

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Leo pov
Me and Mario were waiting outside mario was withdrawing sphagheti while I was withdrawing to have some on me then we saw Luigi walking past  "hey wait Luigi how did you get to the front we've been here since seven a clock" mario asked "oh, I slept overnight at the great of the bank these lines don't forgive you two anyway Mario are you here to finally start saving money?" Luigi asked Mario "no he came here to withdraw some spaghetti from his account I'm here just to have a bit in my pocket you never know when you might need it" I said to Luigi who agreed with me "well don't worry it won't take that long" Luigi said to us before leaving  Mari then got an idea he set the bom bomb in front of us and lit its fuse on fire i then threw a coin to the side for wario to vacuumed up Mario then back words long jumped past a thwomp but I hear him being beat up by swag of all people and got hit to the back of the line "oh hey Mario" I said to him " hello where the other people go" he asked "they got tired of waiting and left" I said to him " can I cut infront of you" mario asked "sure I've got all day to get my money" I said to him "thanks a so much a" he said he then kept asking everyone in front of us before he was punched by saiko i think he then started playing games with boopkins and then I saw boopkins be hit to the back of the line "oh hey boopkins" I said to him "oh hey yn wanna play on the switch" boopkins asked  "FOR THE LAST TIME CAN YOU PLEASE STOP" i look behind me to see jevves being launched into the roof then me and boopkins played a quick match of 'JUMPforces' "this is what I hate about these fuckin games boopkins they give you the most broken and op characters and then when you play multiplier you still even when you have better moves and stats than the other any way good game i see swag coming do put this away quickly" I said to him he understood swag then went on a rant about how "hey swag how long are you gonna be suckin this lines dick Because wario and waluigi are robbing it" I said to swag "say whattt" and ofcourse I was right they were there to rob the place  after swag and Chris were having a gay moment Chris started beating up wario waluigi then pointed the gun at Chris  swag saved Chris by taking a bullet  but the billets were made out of fucking gummy bears  I then summoned my own guns and shot the guns out of wario and waluigis hands "my suggestion to you two is START RUNNING" Chris and swag ran after them I then went to the front asked for my money and left putting my guns in the new holsters I summoned on my belt

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