Smg4:Mario tube

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Mario thinks he's famous for getti mostly dislikes on his videos and everyone thought they could make better videos. think they can make videos on their own yeah please smg4 actully cares about his videos as me and smg4 were looking through youtube  he got notifications from everyone we first checked out Luigi's it was just a Minecraft play through which honestly was pretty wholesome but smg4 was getting bored out of his mind but Mario interrupted  the play through  asking why he was playing garbage he then left the screen then showed luigi playin the dark descent he then got jumpscared and ended the recording

Next we watched bobs video which was a shitty wannabe movie me and smg4 just kept slamming our heads on the desk but after it ended we went onto warios

Warios was clickbait pranks most of it was wario flexing fake places the only thing that happens was the prank and that was at the end of the video it wasn't even a prank he just committed vehicular homcide

Boopkins was elsagate content in a nutshell "this isn't even what the fuck is this shit" smg4 asked disgusted at boopkins video "Elsagate its a big problem in the section of YouTube kids well as you can see" I said to him

After that was bowsers video which was just cooking  but the ingredients included Kirby weed and some eggs

Next video was toads which was theories
Which was taken down

Peach was make up tutorials and some how her YouTube had negative subs lol
Basicly she was forcing waluigi to put on make up

Next video was Mario's which was reaction video "oh fuck that I'd rather lick my own ass that watch a reaction video that's like theft your just stealing somebody's video and getting money out of you not doing shit!" I say pissed off "yeah your right let's watch some real YouTube videos" smg4 said bringing up a video of a person saying pingas I just stare at smg4 "if there's a better use for the internet I haven't found it

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