Smg4: smg4 goes insane

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Leo pov
I see Mario dragging a unconscious smg4
"Mario wat in fucks name is you doing" I ask him "oh uhm I'm just taking smg4 to his room" mario said "why?" I ask "he's been getting a little coo-coo ever since the 10 year anniversary and he taped me to the wall and said something about parallel universes "  mario explained to me eh I don't blame him but parallel  I mean like I'm able to view alternate worlds is that the same thing "hmmm interesting here let me help you"

Smg4 had finally woken up but had been bonked back to sleep before Mario had an idea bibble of where he got some powder from e.gadd "here" mario said putting some of the powder he had in my hand and we both entered smg4's mind

At first it looked empty as me and Mario  floated around but that changed when we got hit by a pingas train and landed out side of smg4's inner mind we both entered the place we saw a lot of rooms before we got to a meme lounge while Mario partied I waited for him I then heard smg4 inner brain asking what a avatar was didn't I explain it to everyone  oh well smg4 just had doubts I then heard rumbling and look into the lounge to see that Mario was launched up by a huge doge I then teleported to him and we saw nothing but white  I look behind me to see beeg smg4 "Mario over there it's  one of those things" I said to him mario went up to touch it and when he did it started shaking then it revealed itself to be smg4's inner-most spirit he explained to us that he is the one that has meme making abilities  he explained to us that's he's loosing these powers due to smg4's mind being shrouded and put us up to the task of helping smg4 we then got transported to a filming studio? Mario then interrupted a filming this caused all the smg4 to yell "it's Mario" they then got all the cameras "boopkins?what the hell is he doing here" I said out loud  before I had even more time to question the smg4's went crazy breaking windows,cradling themselves,rearranging the set to see what the avatar was they then turned into one and twos before the floor dissapeared and me and Mario fell into a dark void

"mario what did you do!?" I asked him "I only said I was number one" he said we then hit the bottom  we look over to see smg4 trying to make people laugh but it wasn't working he then got hit by an egg  knocking him off the stage then darkens forms of tari,Axol,fishy boopkins and saiko appeared  and went on about how he wasn't funny and how they didn't like him "what the fuck is going on" mario asked absolutely flabbergasted before a gigantic eye appeared behind the crowd "what in gods name is that!" I said looking at the eye  "good god it's hideous" mario said the eye then did something and it caused the air to go green and have ones and zeros we then went over  to smg4 "guys" smg4 said crying Mario slapped him "stop it stop it" mario said "but no one likes me any more" smg4 said " yes they do your freinds your subscribers everyone that watched us they still like you" I said to him "love yourself" mario blurted out "and most important dying is gay" mario said smg4 then got serious "your right death can suck my ass" as smg4 yelled a blue wave of energy brought everything back to normal but we still had the eye which I hit out of the sky after a combo smg4's innerspirit  acted as a stand and destroyed the eye Mario then looked at his spaghetti watch "is it time to leave" I asked him "yep bye bye" mario said as I walked with him we then woke up

Smg4 followed suit wit mario hanging right over him "ah mario what the hell are you doing" he asked pushing mario back "yeah boiii your back to normal" mario said hugging smg4 "yeah.thanks for the help... mario and leo" he said to us "heh no problem freinds look out for each other" i said to him "still I do wonder what it all means? I still have so many questions..." he said as we walk to the door "avatars....smg' pods.... I'll find answers some day" smg4 said "I think the moral of today's story smg4 is .....nobody cares" mario said smg4 just hit him with the bat "heh but in all seriousness I will help you find these answers no matter what I must say I myself is intrigued by all this" I said to smg4 "thank you Leo"

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