Smg4:dangerous delivery

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Leo pov

Me and Mario were just chilling on the couch watching some stupid video of a dude getting a plate thrown at him Luigi was playing with some dolls like a child
Before toadsworth came from a door and said something about dead bodies wait is toadsworth affiliated with the mafia.... Anyway I'll figure it out later but right now toadsworth was trying to ask a favor of Mario but Mario didn't care and told him to shut up "lazy fatass" toadsworth said before looking at me and Luigi "what about you two" he asked Luigi jumped when his name was mentioned "god dammit,leo can you do something for me" he asked me "sure mr toadsworth whatcha need" I ask him "I need you to go pick up my grandson from school his name is frankie could you do that please?" he asked "sure thing do you want me to take those two with me just incase" I ask him "yes please" he said I form two blu buster arms and pick up the with them and drive to the school when we got there we saw a lot of toads that look the same so Mario called the kids name later after that Mario kept crashing into things which hurt Frankie given he was on the ftontof the kart in rope "uhhh mario I think this counts as child cruelty" I said to him "nonsense Frankie's just fine right Frankie" mario asked Frankie "yessssss" Frankie said his voice a little slurred before an ice cream van showed up and Frankie tried to break out of his restraints wanting ice cream while we were getting some Frankie broke free and ran away me and Luigi both had horrified looks while Mario was just "shiiiiiiiit" mario said knowing we are probaly fucked as the ice cream van left Frankie was on top we started driving after it,as we were were chasing the van Mario kept swerving past people I was supprised he didn't knock people of the road as we rode on the left side of the van we told the driver to stop but the driver just raved Mario jumped in the front of the van causing the van to slip and go off the road but they crashed into a cop car which this got Frankie arrested because mario was on the ground but who the fuck knows later we were tying to figure how to get Frankie out but Frankie's bail was 1 million dollars Luigi was trying to stall toadsworth because he was picking up Frankie himself while Mario got kicked out I was trying to get past the teletubby guard so I just teleported behind but I got knocked out feeling the cold floor

Leo pov
I was in a jail caul and I saw Mario I got and shake after felling pain "mario" I said to him "oh shit! Oh Leo it's only you how the hell did you get here???" Mario asked " if I told you I got knocked out by a teletubies would you believe me" I asked him "god dammit don't worry I'll get you and Frankie out after that he slammed mine and Frankie's cell door but then the alarm blared and we started runing away  from the police after that we got on a train after running for a while  but  the train stoped and they arrested somebody else and after we got of the train toadsworth wanted us to pick up again next week we agreed hestintly

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