Smg4:into the dark web

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Leo pov
I teleported to a tunnel that look like cyber tunnel and look behind me to see Axol(who was a chonk) melony(who was also a chonk),mario and smg4 " hey you guys how's it going" I asked them "leo? What how did you get here" asked "I teleported to y'all" I said to them "but how we're" I cut smg4 off  off "I have no idea" I said to him  I then saw melony finish a hack on a computer before turning back into a chunk and we arrived at the darkweb "hate this place" I said to them we jump off the thing and we go up to smg4's usb mario tried to open it it scanned him but denied entry but smg4 went up an was allowed when we got in it was a library? But the books were files? I then look to a white room that had a weird looking console "uhm hey guys I think I found something" I told them they walked over "that has to be it that thing must have the answer" smg4 said hopefully

Mario then walked up to the console and started pressing shit  and it then started to playback smg4's memory's it showed someone wait that's not just someone "Luke?!" I said out loud the screen showed him pulling out smg4's usb out of a computer and placing it with the other two pods as it showed the pods coming down from the sky but smg1 and 2's got knocked ofcourse   And smg3's went to the internet graveyard "wait he was supposed to go to the graveyard" I said as we watched but smg3's pod was replaced by 1 and 2's it showed where it landed which the screen went off " the pod I know where it is!" Smg4 said "I'm a FUCKING GENIUS!!" Mario said "now we're one step closer to figuring out this mystery" I said to everyone "yeah if I'm being honest this is one of the smoothest adventures we had" Axol said

right after he said that I had visions of Axol but he was mutated? He looked like a eldritch being "uhm Axol I need a portion of your soul" I said bluntly to him "w-what why do you need my soul" Axol said "because I had another vision a vision of you transformed into some I don't even know" I explained to him he looked at me and he must have seen the horror I saw because he agreed  "to be honest I agree last time leo had those visions he was right" smg4 agreed with me "*sigh* ok but before you take a portion of my soul is there anyway you can show us what I become" he asked me my right eye then flashed and showed a hologram like version of my vision it then started playing as it ended Axol just looked absolutely terrified melony smg4 looked shocked "what corrupted me?!" He asked me "I i don't know but that's why I need your soul well a part of it" I said to him "ok I trust you Leo what do you need to do" he said his soul then showed L Quickly sliced the soul in half this caused Axol to fall on one knee  in pain before getting back up "i-is that it" he asked in pain "yeah don't worry it will be in safe hand my father will take great care of it" I said to him
"ok but what does this have to do with  Axol getting turned into that thing" smg4 asked

"easily a soul together are bound forever but cut one part of it and it will still have the same attributes of the same soul it was bound to, so if the other part of the soul would be hurt destroyed or courrupted you won't die instead you'll go back to where the other part of your soul is" I explained to everyone "that sound cool and all but what if I'm not the only one that gets corrupted and you don't know" Axol asked me "Axol I understand your concerned for melony but I assure you even if she does get corrupted we'll be able to cut her soul and send it to my father so do what you will with that information" I said to him he sighed softly before wincing in pain "the pain will probally last 3-4 weeks tops" I said to him "that's a relief come on let's get going" Axol said 'Even If He KNoWs hiS fate he seems pretty ok with it' l said 'yeah it's ok father  is going to protect his soul' I said to him  teleporting the part of the soul to fathers lab

I then got a call from father

"son who's soul is this I've already put it in a large holding container" my father said asking why it popped up "that's one of my freinds I need you to keep that soul as safe as possible" I told him "alright I will son but why did you send it to me in such short notice" he asked concerned a little "I had another vision it was of Axol he was turned into this uhh eldritch horror" I explained to him "ah I see we'll you keep an eye on him son I'll keep an eye on his soul" father promised "ok well love you bye" I said to him "love you too son" he replied I smiled "are you coming leo" smg4 asked me "yeah I'm comin" I said to him

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