𝐈. the boy of her dreams

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the boy of her dreams


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     LOOK, SCARLETT HART DIDN'T ASK TO BE A HALF-BLOOD. She would love to travel back in time, go back to her past life, and see what horrible thing she did that deemed her this fate.

      Scarlett always felt like something was wrong with her from a young age. It started in kindergarten, some kid she hated stole her favorite pencil. She remembered feeling really angry. Like, more than you should over a pencil. She remembered wanting to hurt the kid. Scarlett still remembered how her classmate screamed, as she jabbed the pencil straight through his skin. She'll admit, maybe that was a little too far.

      The school expelled her, and her dad found her a private school to attend. It went well for a while, and she even had people she called friends. However, that changed at the end of fourth grade. Her little group of friends decided to be mean, and stab her in the back. They excluded her from their hangouts, and basically pretended she never existed.

    In Scarlett's defense, the girl she fought was Regina George wannabe, making fun of other kids. Scarlett didn't even start the fight. The girl pulled her hair, so Scarlett shoved her against a locker, and punched her. A litte more than once.

    After that incident, dad finally realized that he couldn't keep pretending she was normal. So that summer, he dropped nine year old Scarlett of at Camp Half-Blood.

     Scarlett soon became a resident member of Cabin Eleven. Not because she was a daughter of Hermes, but because she was the daughter of the minor goddess, Nemesis. Since the cabins were for the twelve Olympian Gods, there was no place for her except the overcrowding cabin.

    In her three years of camp, Scarlett was able to make some friends. It's not like she was actively trying to, even before she was claimed. Scarlett preferred being alone. Most campers liked to stay clear from her, her reputation of being Nemesis's daughter always preceding her. The Ares kids were something to be afraid of, since they could literally pulverize you. But, Scarlett? She will make sure you are the most miserable person if you cross her, and never gives second chances. It's not like Scarlett has done anything to do damage control for her reputation; all those terrible rumors about her spreading bad luck on those who wronged her or others, were true.

     Scarlett became somewhat acquaintances with other kids of minor gods and the unclaimed. She clicked with this older unclaimed boy named Ethan her first year, but he disappeared. She became good friends with Oliver Sawyer, who was a son of Tysche, goddess of fortune. He came to camp the same year as her. They fought over things (Oliver wanting to spread good luck, while Scarlett mostly spreading bad), but they had a mutual understanding and respect for each other. There also some Hermes kids who she got along with, like Luke Castellan, who was everyone's big brother at camp.

Then there was Annabeth Chase. Scarlett didn't know how, but they became best friends. Maybe it was because she was one of the first people, who wasn't intimidated by her, and showed her around camp. Scarlett returned that favor by helping her get revenge on Connor Stoll for putting spiders in her cabin. Both of them also lacked social skills, so maybe that's what brought them close together as well.

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now