𝐗𝐈𝐕. finding out the truth, sort of

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finding out the truth, sort of

   AFTER EXITING ASPHODEL, Scarlett, Percy, and Grover began walking in a large desert

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AFTER EXITING ASPHODEL, Scarlett, Percy, and Grover began walking in a large desert. It felt like an absolute eternity, having to walk through the never ending hills of sand. Scarlett's shoes were filled with sand, making her very uncomfortable. But on a good note, they seemed to have lost Cerberus.

"Weird," Grover spoke. "I haven't heard the dog in a while."

"He chased us all that way then just...stopped?" Percy wondered. "I wonder why."

"That's what I'm saying." Grover agreed.

"Well good on him," Scarlett huffed. "Maybe he didn't want his paws to be full of sand."

"Yeah, but don't you think it's weird?" As Grover said that, he began speeding up.

"Grover what are you-" Scarlett asked, then her eyes widened as the wings on his shoes began flapping. It was like something was forcing him to go forward.

"Grover!" Percy yelled. He and Scarlett ran after him

"I-I don't know! I can't stop!" Grover cried, as the shoes flapped faster. "Percy! Scar! It's the shoes!"

They ran on top of hill. Grover was sliding down. Scarlett and Percy froze in shock, seeing the large abys in front of them. Scarlett immediately recognized where it led to: Tartarus. Yeah...no thanks.

"Guys!" Grover yelled.

The demigods immediately snapped out of it helped their friend. They slid down the hill, catching up to Grover. Scarlett crashed into him, grabbing his hand, trying to pull him up. They slid even more down, nearing the pit. Then, she felt Percy's hand grasp hers tightly. Then with his other hand, Percy got out his sword and stabbed it in the sand to steady them.

Scarlett kept a firm hold on Grover's hand, the wings of the shoes flying even faster. Then the shoes finally flew off, falling right into the pit.

Once the wind stopped blowing, Grover and Scarlett moved on each side of Percy.They all frantically crawled back from the cliff. Percy fell backwards and hit his backpack, making a loud noise.

"What was that?" Grover questioned.

Percy took off his bag and unzipped it. He slowly took out what was inside: Zeus's master bolt. Grover and Scarlett's eyes widen in panic.

"Shit," Scarlett cursed. "Dude, that's the-"

"No." Grover cut her off, not wanting to believe it.

"It looks like-" Percy began to say.

"It absolutely is not!" Grover denied.

"Okay...what is it then?"

Grover went quiet for a moment. Then he and Percy spoke at the same time.

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now