𝐕𝐈𝐈. late night talking and more monsters

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late night talking and more monsters

CHAPTER VIIlate night talking and more monsters

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After Medusa's, the group found a train to go on for their next stop to Los Angeles. Grover took the top bed, while Annabeth took the next one. Percy and Scarlett slept on seperate mattresses on the floor.

Scarlett fell asleep pretty quickly. However, it didn't mean it last.

Her dream took place in an empty alleyway at night. It was as if she was a bystander, witnessing the scene from far away. There was a young black haired boy, sitting on the pavement, looking worn out and tired. He looked a little older than Scarlett. Something about him seemed strangely familiar, like she'd seen him before. However, it was like something was locking her out of that memory.

  Then a woman riding a motorcycle pulled up. She got off her bike, and took off her helmet. The woman had a red leather jacket on, short black curly hair, with black combat boots. Scarlett had a feeling on who it was.

She knelt down to the little boy. The woman smiled, but there wasn't any warmth to it. She helped the boy stand up.

The woman said something to him. Scarlett wasn't able to hear it, but it looked like she was introducing herself, and offered him a deal by holding out her hand. The boy nodded, hesitantly shaking it.

Then, something unexpected happened. The woman held her hand up. It was unclear to Scarlett what was happening. Suddenly, the boy started sobbing and screamed loudly. He covered one of his eyes. Scarlett flinched at the painful noise, turning away.

  Moments later, there was silence. She hesitantly glanced back, and found that the boy was gone. The woman was staring right at her. She gave the girl an unsettling smirk.

  But that's not what made Scarlett uneasy. It was the fact that in the woman's hand, was an eye. An eye she was pretty sure belonged to the young boy.

Scarlett's eyes shot open, and sat up. She let out a relieved sigh, as she looked at her surroundings. She was okay, she was on the train, and was fine.

  "Hey," Percy called out to her. "You okay?"

Scarlett looked over at him. He was lying down flat on his back. It was hard to see in the dark, but she could see the concern in his eyes.

Scarlett layed back down, facing the opposite side from Percy. "Yeah," She assured him. "Just a really weird dream."

"Wanna talk about it?"

Scarlett closed her eyes. "Nope."


  After maybe five minutes, Percy spoke again. "You still up?"

Scarlett opened her eyes. "...no."

Percy chuckled. "So you've been going to camp for a while, huh?"

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now