𝐗𝐈𝐈. nothing good starts in a getaway car

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nothing good starts in a getaway car

  "TIME AND SPACE ARE EASY, KIDS," Hermes said as he led Scarlett and Percy to a table

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"TIME AND SPACE ARE EASY, KIDS," Hermes said as he led Scarlett and Percy to a table. He sat down in the chair. "Parenting is...something else entirely. Have a seat."

The demigods hesitantly sat in the seats across from him.

Hermes looked at Scarlett curiously. "I don't seem to recall ever seeing you. How do you know Luke?"

"We're friends...I guess. We live in the same cabin. He rarely ever wanted to talk about you, but when he did, it was pretty obvious he hates you." Scarlett told him honestly. Hermes frowned.

"But if you help us get to the Underworld and retrieve Zeus's master bolt ," Scarlett continued. "you can show him that you're a decent father and you care about him."

Hermes went quiet for a moment. "There is a way into the Underworld... a secret way. I've helped others find it before. Do you know what happens every time? I mean every single time. You don't want my help. Trust me." He sipped his drink.

"No we actually kind of do," Percy spoke up.

"I was warned to stay away from Luke and his mother. Warned that no matter how much I tried to help, I would just make things worse. And I went anyway...and it wasn't just awful for Luke...it was awful for all of his." Hermes revealed.

"Do you know what it feels like?" The god leaned in closer. "To be so close to someone you love, knowing neither of you has any choice but to keep hurting each other?"

Scarlett's mind instantly flashed with memories of her father. The day she got expelled from Yancy, the argument, the look of disappointment and resentment when he realized he couldn't have a normal daughter. The silent drive to camp. She always knew he loved her, but you wouldn't be able to trace the clues.

Hermes stared at Percy. "I know you do," He reached over and touched his hand. Percy jumped slightly, caught off guard as Hermes showed him a memory.

"Should I remind you too?" Hermes asked Scarlett. He was about to touch her hand, but Scarlett instantly pulls it away.

"I remember perfectly." She assured him bitterly.

Hermes nodded. "You know, your mom was told to stay away from you too. She for one, actually listened."

Scarlett crossed her arms, avoiding a conversation about her mother. "So are you helping us or not?"

The god leaned back on his seat, taking another sip of his drink. "I don't get involved anymore. It's not worth it. Sorry."

Scarlett scoffed, shaking her head in pure annoyance. "Great. Well thank you so much for wasting our time." she said dryly.

She rose from the chair, and looked Hermes dead in the eye. "I hope you enjoy knowing Luke will continue believing you are a shitty father."

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now