𝐈. stalkerlett and stalkerbeth strike again

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stalkerlett and stalkerbeth strike again

CHAPTER Istalkerlett and stalkerbeth strike again

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  SCARLETT HART WAS NOT A STALKER. She's been called a lot of things — closed off, mean, standoffish, unfriendly, scary — but she was not a stalker! She just happened to be outside of Percy's window with Annabeth
. . . observing him.

  It all started when Annabeth broke into Scarlett's apartment at 6AM. She picked the lock on her window with her knife, climbing inside from the fire escape. Her face was all scratched and grimy, her ragged backpack slung over her shoulder. Annabeth informed her that she came all the way from San Francisco. She kept having strange dreams about camp, and needed to investigate. Similar enough, Scarlett had also been having weird dreams about camp (and also of this creepy cloaked guy, but she didn't mention it). Annabeth wanted to meet up with Percy.

  "Percy still has school," Scarlett informed her. "His last day is today."

  "You know his schedule?" Annabeth raised her eyebrow, her voice almost amused.

  Scarlett rolled her eyes. "He mentioned something about it last week. Don't make it weird."

  As part of their little deal (aka Scarlett losing a bet), Scarlett was forced to come to his apartment once a month to watch a movie. From fluffy, feel good Disney movies, to creepy, horror movies, they had a nice range. Last week, they watched Scream.

  The girls decided that they'd take a train to Manhattan, hopefully being able to talk to him.
Once they arrived to his apartment, they climbed up his fire escape. Annabeth was fortunate enough to have an invisibility cap, so at least no one could judge her for looking like a creep. Scarlett, on the other hand, had to be extra cautious.

  The window led to his bedroom. Scarlett peeked, and saw Percy pacing in his room, stressed. His beach blonde curls were a mess. He wore a light blue t-shirt that had dolphin wearing sunglasses on it, as well as shorts with sharks on them. A true Poseidon kid. He actually kinda cute...

"Should we go in?" Annabeth whispered. Scarlett heard her pulling out her knife.

Just as she was about to respond, Percy began taking off his shirt. Scarlett immediately turned away, shaking her head furiously. After a few moments, the girls looked back and saw that Percy was already heading out his room.

"Great," Annabeth muttered dryly. Scarlett heard her footsteps going down the stairs, and followed her.

  Once they reached the ground, they saw Percy on his way to the train station. Scarlett and Annabeth followed him quietly down the sidewalk, walking through a shadow of a large tree. Annabeth accidentally stepped on a twig, creating a loud noise. The girls froze in place, while Percy glanced back at the sudden noise.

Scarlett held back a groan. Having invisibility like Annabeth sure would be useful right now. If only she could blend in with the shadow and just disappear. A weird, strange feeling soon took over her. She ignored it at first.

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now