𝐗𝐕𝐈. we should stick together

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we should stick together

  THE TRIO MADE THEIR WAY out of the woods in complete silence

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  THE TRIO MADE THEIR WAY out of the woods in complete silence. Colors of fireworks continued painting the night sky, as the celebration still went on. But after what happened just minutes ago, Scarlett, Percy, and Annabeth weren't exactly in a party mood.

They arrived to the Big House, immediately informing Chiron of the news. They sat down on a couch. Scarlett and Percy both ate ambrosia and drank nectar while telling the story of Luke's betrayal with Annabeth. Chiron listened intently, his face growing more somber and grave.

  Scarlett zoned out for a moment, her eyes fixated on her reflection from the coffee table in front of her. She finally got a view of her face. The wound glared right at her, like a mockery. A reminder how she let herself trust a traitor. She gently touched it.

Now Scarlett wasn't an Aphrodite kid. She couldn't care less about her appearance or meeting the beauty standard. As of right now though, she hated her face. Luke had his scar from his quest almost two years ago, and it was still visible. She wondered if hers would ever fade, or if she'll forever live with the stupid scar.

Percy nudged her leg with his, snapping her out of her thoughts. He gave her a concerned look, but Scarlett just nodded, as if saying she was fine.

"I can't believe that Luke..." Annabeth's voice faltered, her expression hardening. "Yes. Yes, I can believe it. May the gods curse him....He was never the same after his quest."

Chiron instructed the demigods to keep the news to themselves tonight, and an announcement would be made in the morning. He would be taking a trip to Olympus shortly to inform the gods. The centaur told them to care, and wheeled himself out the room. Scarlett, Annabeth, and Percy walk out the Big House, standing on the porch.

"This sucks," Percy muttered.

  "Tell me about it," Scarlett grumbled.

   Annabeth was still quiet. Her gaze remained on the ground, not looking at anyone.

"Annabeth?" Scarlett tentatively touched her shoulder. "Are you gonna be okay?"

Annabeth looked up, her eyes filled with pain and exhaustion. She nods. "Yeah...I think I'm just gonna get some sleep...if I can," she mumbled the last part out.

"Thanks for stepping in earlier," Percy added. "Seriously, we would've been toast without you. You saved us."

  Scarlett nodded in agreement.

"Of course I did." Annabeth gave them a weak smile.

"I'm really sorry Annabeth," Scarlett told her.

Out of everyone, Luke's betrayal hurt Annabeth the most. Luke was her family. He promised her that. Scarlett has seen how close their bond was. The nerve Luke had to speak of Annabeth like a sister, then leave like everyone else? That angered Scarlett.

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now