𝐈𝐈. don't scare off the newbie

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don't scare off the newbie

   "THIS IS STUPID," Scarlett whispered to Annabeth

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"THIS IS STUPID," Scarlett whispered to Annabeth. "and creepy."

The two girls were currently in the infirmary, their arms crossed while watching Percy Jackson while he was unconscious. Yes, it is as weird as it sounded. Annabeth practically begged Chiron to let her see him, and dragged Scarlett with her.

Grover Underwood told them what happened. How he and Sally Jackson were bringing Percy to camp. The Minotaur got them, and Sally sacrificed her life for him to be safe. Then, Percy defeated the Minotaur. Scarlett felt like Grover was leaving something out, but didn't press.

"Scar, it's fine," Annabeth waved her off.

"What exactly are you trying to do?"

"There's something about him," Annabeth explained. "Something important. And I'm going to find out who he is."

"This is stalking."

"We could call it observing, if it makes you more comfortable."

Percy then starts moving slightly.

Scarlett leaned in to take a closer look. "Ew, is that drool?"

  Annabeth made a disgusted face.

Percy started to open his eyes. "Where... where am I?" He asked tiredly, first looking at Annabeth, then his gaze lingered longer towards Scarlett.

   He has nice eyes, Scarlett thought to herself. Then quickly shook it out her head.

Before Scarlett could respond, Annabeth spoke, "You drool when you sleep."


    "That was helpful," Scarlett remarked.

"Come on," Annabeth whispered to Scarlett. "Let's go,"

Scarlett nodded, sparing one last glance at the boy, then going back to her cabin.

"I HAVE AN IDEA." Annabeth announced. After breakfast the next morning, Annabeth and Scarlett decided to sneak back the infirmary and check on their favorite patient.

"Since Percy is gonna be staying at Cabin Eleven—"

"I don't like where this is going."

   Annabeth ignored her. "I need you to talk to him, and find out as much as you can. Be his friend or whatever."

Scarlett crossed her arms. "Why am I a part of this? You never asked me to spy on the other people you thought were the one."

"I have a really good feeling about him. He's different." Annabeth replied. "I know you feel it too."

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now