𝐗. sunshine turns golden

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sunshine turns golden

   BY THE TIME the demigods got to the amusement park, it was already dark

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   BY THE TIME the demigods got to the amusement park, it was already dark. It gave a weird, creepy, horror movie vibe that Scarlett would usually enjoy watching. They made it to the entrance saying: WELCOME TO WATERLAND. As much she loved watching scary movies, Scarlett wasn't particularly fond of living one. Being a demigod was horrific enough.

  "I haven't seen a lot of horror movies, but this seems like the exact place they'd suggest to avoid." Percy commented as they walked in.

  "As someone who's seen a bunch of them, I'd agree," Scarlett nodded.

  "I've never seen any kind of movie," Annabeth admitted. "So I'll have to take your words for it,"

  "Never?" Percy looked flabberghasted. "What do you mean? Like never, never?"

  "Is there another kind?" Annabeth raised an eyebrow.

  "Jeez, camp really needs to have a movie night," Scarlett muttered. She's been meaning to show Annabeth some movies. Sometimes Scarlett forgot how sheltered she was from the outside world, since she's been living at camp for almost her whole life.

  "Well if none of us die in the next few days, we ought to fix that," Percy smiled at her. "You're missing out."

"In the meantime, we should probably get this over with, though," Percy added, walking in front of the girls. He attempted to go through the entrance gate.

"Wait Percy, stop!" Annabeth called out.

Suddenly, Percy got trapped inside. The gears started working above him.

"What just happened?"

"Wait a minute. Just hold still..." Annabeth instructed. "Give me a second,"

"In the mechanism there, that's Celestial Bronze," She realized.

"Oh, fascinating! Guys, what is happening right now?"

"Celestial bronze is what your sword is made of," Scarlett spoke up. "It passes straight through humans. Monsters and demigods on the other hand..."

"What's it doing there?"

"That's a great question. Safe to say this not just some amusement park. A god built this." Annabeth told him.

"What kind of god builds amusement parks?" He questioned incredulously.

"Hephaestus," Annabeth realized.

"Why would Hephaestus build an amusement park?"

Scarlett shrugged. "Maybe to amuse?"

"That's not funny, Scarlett."

"I personally think I'm hilarious." She deadpanned.

  "Oh, oh look at that," Annabeth titled her head, mesmorized by the machinery. "That's cool."

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now