𝐈𝐕. let the games begin

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let the games begin

  PERCY  SAT WITH LUKE in the dining pavillion

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PERCY SAT WITH LUKE in the dining pavillion. Moments from last night replayed in his mind: Clarisse almost dumping his head in the toilet, as well as seeing his two stalkers: Scarlett and Annabeth.

  He didn't know what to think of them. Percy heard whispers of Scarlett come up in other people's conversations, in a not so pleasant way. He wondered what that was about. They made her sound like some scary villain. Apparently she caused this Johnny guy's hair to get caught on fire? Percy was confused on how it could be her fault. Then he overheard an Aphrodite girl talking about some nasty things he said, so Percy thought it must've been karma.

Although he has only known Scarlett for about two days (and saw her a few times in his dreams), she didn't seem like that to him. Yeah, she's been kinda intimidating, and a little scary to approach, but she wasn't bad. (Percy also thought she was kinda pretty — but hasn't admitted it to himself).

  In one particular dream he had that involved her, they were sitting by the water. Scarlett had this smile on her face as she looked at him. A genuine smile, not a smirk or anything taunting. It was real. A blue cupcake was in the middle of them. It confused him a lot. He's had a lot of weird dreams, but the ones that involved Scarlett... didn't seem as bad.

Then with Annabeth, Percy didn't know much about her. Luke told him how she was a daughter of Athena, and how she was like his little sister. Percy was confused by that, so Luke sat him down to explain.

  Luke told him about what forbidden kids were, and how he met Thalia, daughter of Zeus. Then they met Annabeth in an alley, and took her in. Thalia didn't make it to camp with them.

"She's been watching me since I got here," Percy said. "Why?"

Luke chuckled. "Annabeth is the strongest warrior at camp. The only way left to prove herself is through a quest."

"But what does this have to do with me?"

Luke explained how Chiron promised her that a demigod would be fated to go on a quest, and she would get to join it.

"Well can you ask her to knock it off?"

"Yeah, sure." Luke shrugged. "But what if she's right?"

Suddenly, a horn blew. Everyone turned to look at Chiron.

"Heroes," Chiron announced. "It's time. The games begin."

As they got up from the table, Percy asked Luke a few more questions.

"So Annabeth is like good friends with Scarlett?" Percy asked as they walked.

"They're best friends." Luke nodded.

"And Scarlett... do you know who her parent is?"

Luke chuckled. "Yeah, I do. Everyone knows who her mom is. She has quite the reputation."

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now