𝐈𝐈. a 0/5 star taxi ride and fighting bulls

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a 0/5 star taxi ride and fighting bulls

CHAPTER IIa 0/5 star taxi ride and fighting bulls

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   "HERE." Annabeth led the group at the corner of Thomas and Trimble. She fished around in her backpack, looking for what Scarlett assumed was drachma. "I hope I have one left."

  "What are you looking for?" Percy questioned as more sirens wailed around them.

"Found one. Thank the gods." Annabeth pulled out a gold coin.

"Annabeth," Percy told her gently. "New York taxi drivers won't take that."

"Stêthi," Annabeth shouted in Ancient Greek. "Ô hárma diabolês!" 

Which in English meant: Stop, Chariot of Damnation!"

Annabeth threw the coin on the ground, the drachma sinking right through the asphalt. Nothing happened right away. Moments later, the asphalt darkened, melting into a rectangular pool, red liquid bubbling like blood. A car appeared from the ooze.

It was a taxi, but nothing like the standard yellow one. It was smoky gray — almost like it was made of smoke. You could see right through it. On the door, it had the words 'GYAR SSIRES' — or at that's what Scarlett got out of it with her dyslexia.

An old lady stuck her head out the passenger window. She had a mop of grizzled hair covering her eyes, and she spoke in a weird mumbling way. "Passage? Passage?"

  "Three to Camp Half-Blood," Annabeth informed. She opened the door and waved at the group to get in, as if this was completely normal. Scarlett gave Annabeth a skeptical look. Annabeth looked at her as if saying just-go-with-it.

"Ach!" the old woman screeched, pointing her bony finger at Tyson. "We don't take his kind!" Percy glared at her.

"Extra pay," Annabeth promised. "Three more drachma on arrival."

"Done!" the woman screamed. Scarlett wanted to cover her ears at how loud she was.

Reluctantly, everyone got in the cab, squeezing together in the back. The interior was also smoky gray, but it felt solid enough. The seats were cracked and lumpy—which brought a sense of normalcy, considering every taxi was like that. As Scarlett looked back at the front, she realized there wasn't just one old lady . . . there were three of them, crammed in the front seat. They all looked the same: stingy hair, bony hair, charcoal-colored sackcloth dresses.

The lady driving called out, "Long Island! Out-of-metro fare bonus! Ha!"

She floored the accelerator, making Scarlett and Percy's heads slam against the backrests. Then, a recorded voice came through the speakers: 'Hi, this is Ganymede, cup-bearer to Zeus, and when I'm out buying wine for the Lord of the Skies, I always buckle up!'

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now