𝐈𝐗. meeting the god of war

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meeting the god of war

   AFTER A LONG FLIGHT OF STAIRS, Scarlett, Annabeth, and Grover all made it down to the ground

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AFTER A LONG FLIGHT OF STAIRS, Scarlett, Annabeth, and Grover all made it down to the ground. Police cars and firetrucks surrounded the bottom of the Arch. The police were interviewing witnesses who were on the top.

As Scarlett looked back at the Arch, seeing the smoke on top, she couldn't help but feel like maybe...just maybe Percy somehow survived. Even though the Arch was six hundred thirty feet tall, she was almost certain he could find a way. Percy needed to survive so she could yell at him for being a stupid idiot, fighting the Chimera while he was already on the brink of death. Literally who does that?

Ugh, Scarlett thought to herself. Maybe Grover was right. Maybe she was starting to care about him. Not that she would ever admit it out loud, though.

"They're looking at us," Grover whispered to the girls.

"They really think we caused it?" Scarlett scoffed.

"Well...we kinda did...So we should get out of here."

"Yeah," Annabeth replied half-heartedly, her gaze fixated on something in the distance.

"Dude, they're looking right at us!" Grover told Annabeth, who still wasn't paying attention.

Annabeth finally turned to Grover. "What?"

Grover gestured exasperatedly for them to leave.

Annabeth nodded. "Come on, let's go find Percy."

Grover frowned. "Annabeth-"

"He's alive." Annabeth insisted. She turned to Scarlett.

"I think so too." Scarlett nodded in agreement. "I can feel it."

Annabeth lead the way, and Grover followed behind. As Scarlett went behind them, she glanced back to where Annabeth was looking earlier. Three old ladies stared back at her, smiling. One of them was put their scissors away. Scarlett's eyes widened as she turned away, realizing who they were.

Scarlett followed Annabeth and Grover to the boardwalk by the river. Annabeth and Grover kept calling out his name, while Scarlett remained quiet, keeping her eye out.

Suddenly, they saw a figure in the distance, climbing over the railings. Percy.

He was drenched in water, but he didn't look pale anymore. The group froze for a moment in shock. Grover let out a sigh of relief, while Annabeth's eyes widened. Scarlett just stared at him, taking in the fact he was actually alive.

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now