𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈. field trip to the underworld

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field trip to the underworld

  THE NEXT DAY, THE QUEST-MATES made their way to Crusty's Water Palace

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  THE NEXT DAY, THE QUEST-MATES made their way to Crusty's Water Palace. It has the entrance to the underworld and is guarded by Procrustes, aka Crusty. Percy and an invisible Annabeth went in first to trap him, while Scarlett and Grover waited outside.

After a few minutes, Grover slowly opened the door and peeked his head inside. "Is it over?"

Annabeth nodded, gesturing for them to come over. Scarlett and Grover walked in, seeing an old man coddled up tightly in a blanket. He also looked crusty, so Scarlett knew it was Procrustes. Crusty looked at them with disgust, while Scarlett just raised her eyebrow. He should definitely not be judging.

  They walked to the back of the store, coming across a door labeled, 'DO NOT ENTER'.

  "Are we sure this is the right way?" Percy questioned.

"It says not to enter, so duh," Scarlett replied.

  Grover stepped forward, slowly opening the door. On the other side was what looked like a dark tunnel, and gusts of winds could be heard. Grover shut the door after a few seconds, coughing and catching his breath.

  "It's either the realm of the dead, or some left a carton of milk in there in the 1990's." Grover decided.

  Annabeth reached to grab a red ball on top of one of the cabinets. She gave it to Grover. "Better?"

  Grover squeezed it a bunch of times, making it squeak. "Much."

  "If we get into trouble," Percy held out his hand, revealing five pearls he had retrieved from the sea. "These are our tickets out."

  "No one's turning back until we all come back," Annabeth announced.

  "No one comes back!" They heard Crusty yell.

  Scarlett rolled her eyes.

  "Dude! Don't make me come back out there." Annabeth threatened.

  "We have no idea what's down there. I just think it's safer if I'm not holding them all." Percy held out his palm, with five pearls. He received them in the ocean, and it will help them out the underworld. Everyone nodded in agreement, each taking one pearl.

  "Lets go get your mom," Annabeth told Percy with determination.

  Annabeth walked forward opening the door, Grover following behind. Scarlett stayed back for a moment, noticing Percy staring at the last two pearls in his hand. She guessed he must be thinking of his mom.

  "Hey," Scarlett nudged Percy's shoulder. "We're gonna get your mom back." she assured him determinedly.

  Percy nodded, giving her a small smile to let her know he's okay.

𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐄, p. jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now