Chapter 2

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don't be silent readers!!!!

also if you haven't read lfc baller you should def go do that :)

Reneè's pov:

it's currently 11:30pm and i've just finished work,
being on the close on a Saturday is never a fun thing,

i got in my car, looked at my phone to see my best friend Tia had messaged telling me she's at my house waiting for me,

i put my phone down and drove home so i could see what she wanted,

when i got home i walked up to my 2 bed house i live in with my dad to see Tia sat outside in a party outfit,

"oh finally" she said as she stood up,
"what are you doing here it's nearly 12am" i replied,
"we're going to a party" she said as i looked at her before walking into my house as quietly as i could,
"what party?" i asked as she closed the door behind her,
"there's a party down the road" she replied as i looked at her,
"okay so you wanna go to a random party?" i asked as she nodded,
"a party of people we don't even know" i said as she nodded again,
"come on it'll be funnnnn" she replied,
"how are we even gonna get in" i said,
"through the back door duh" she replied,
"oh so we're breaking and entering" i said,
"no. we're just gate crashing." she replied,
"come on Ren please" she said as i sighed,
"alright fine, let me shower and get changed" i replied as a smile lit up her face,
"go and sit quietly in my room, last thing we want is for him to wake up" i said referring to my dad as she nodded and followed me upstairs,

once i was showered and changed we left for the party,

"here we are" she said as we stood in front of one of the biggest houses in Sunderland,
"Tia you never told me it was one of the rich pricks houses" i said making her giggle,
"knew you wouldn't come if i did" she replied before walking over to the fence and climbing it,

i followed her lead and then we were in,
it was quite busy so it would be difficult for anyone to notice,

"hey Tia-" i was gonna say but i turned round to see her stood with some guy,
"great" i said to myself, i then looked round to see someone looking at me like they were trying to sus out who i was, and that's when i decided to go upstairs,

i opened a door to a room i thought was empty and walked in,

"er hi?" i heard a deep voice say making me jump,
i span round to see a boy sat sat on the bed, he was quite good looking,

"oh shit sorry i didn't realise anyone was in here" i replied as he smiled and nodded,
"it's okay, you tryna escape people as well?" he asked making me giggle,
"something like that" i replied as he looked at me as if to say carry on,
"funny story, me and my friend sorta snuck into the party and someone was giving me a weird look so you know" i replied,
"you snuck in?" he asked with a giggle,
" friends a party animal" i replied as he nodded with a smile,
"i'm shocked you got in to be honest, this place has high security" he said,
"we're like spy's" i replied making him giggle,
"that sounded better in my head" i added making him laugh,

"what's your name?" he asked,
just as i was gonna answer the door swung open,

"Reneè there you are, we gotta go we've been found out" Tia said before she looked at the boy,
"well that didn't last long did it T" i replied as i crossed my arms making her roll her eyes,
"who's this then?" she asked with a wink,
"i actually don't know, what's your name?" i asked him,
"Jobe" he replied as i nodded,
"nice talking to you Jobe, maybe we'll cross paths again" i said before walking over to Tia,
"hey just come downstairs with me, i'll say i know you guys" Jobe said as he got up, i didn't realise quite how tall he was,

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now