Chapter 4

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Reneè's pov:

i woke up to my alarm at 10am telling me i had work in an hour,
i quickly turned it off before it woke Tia and got up, i grabbed a towel and jumped straight in the shower before changing into my work uniform and getting ready for the day,

once i checked my phone i saw a message from Jobe making me smile,

THE jobe bellingham 😱

hey if you and Tina wanna come to the game later here's the link to the tickets :) hope your hangover isn't too bad🧟‍♀️

morning Jobe, thank you and yes, my hangover
is definitely hangovering 😒🤠

get better soon💪 (preferably before the game tonight) ;)

yeah yeah


liked by jobebellingham, calumsmith and 5,833 othersreneètemple severely hungover wbu? x

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liked by jobebellingham, calumsmith and 5,833 others
reneètemple severely hungover wbu? x

tiamaynard: also severely hungover x
*liked by reneètemple*

jobebellingham: some of us can hack the drink, some of us can't 😔😉
reneètemple: @/jobebellingham oh shush bellingham

user9: who's this 👀
reneètemple: @/user9 fr🤨

user6: who is she? Jobe follows her?
reneètemple: @/user6 in need for some detective work🕵️‍♀️

user3: who is this and why is my husband jobe now following and commenting?
reneètemple: @/user3 your husband commenting on other girls posts? i wouldn't have that if i were you x
user1: @/reneètemple nah she's funny 🤣
user4: @/user1 she's also stunning so are we really shocked jobe is interested?

user7: can already tell she's gonna be irritating
reneètemple: @/user7 "follow back"🤨

user12: she's def using Jobe
reneètemple: @/user12 how dare he be friends with someone who's not famous 😠

~•real life•~

i was entertaining myself on the way to work by commenting back to Jobes fan girls when i got another message from Jobe,

THE jobe bellingham😱

stop trolling the fan girls 🤣

boi it's entertaining

you never told me you were married? that's outrageous from you Jobe.


no but when you said i'd get fans following me i didn't think you meant id go from 1.2k followers to 17k overnight so let me have my fun x

alright fine but i did warn you. see you tonight x

once i arrived at work i realised i was working with my work bestie Selena and the guy who has a fat crush on me Calum.

"Sel you'll never guess what" i said as i walked in,
"you have Jobe Bellingham in your followers, comments and likes? yes i know. tell me EVERYTHING" she said excitedly making me giggle,

once i filled her in she was going mental,

"oh my god you could literally speak to Tyra if you wanted!" she yelled making me laugh,
"i love her so much" she added as i smiled,
"i know you do Sel, but im not talking to him to meet Jude or Tyra or Trent, he's just a good friend" i replied as she nodded,
"cute cute" she said as i smiled,

"hey Reneè wanna go out later?" Calum asked as he walked in the room from behind me,
i rolled my eyes before spinning round,
"going to watch the Sunderland game tonight sorry" i replied,
"that's what i was going to invite you to, i got good seats" he said,
"yeah i'll pass, i've got better seats" i replied as he huffed,
"doubt that. i paid a lot for mine" he said as i giggled,
"mhm i can assure you mine are better" i replied as Selena gasped,
"he gave you tickets?" she asked excitedly,
"yup" i replied with a smile as she grinned,
"remember me when you get married and end up rich as hell" she said making me laugh,
"don't want his money Sel" i replied as she nodded with a smile,

once i finished work i headed back to Tia's to get ready for the game,

once i got to hers i went to her room to see her laid on her bed on her phone,

"Tia we're going to the Sunderland match today" i said catching her attention,
"oh this makes more sense then" she replied as she held up a Sunderland jersey with Jobe's name and number on the back,
"when did that get here?" i asked,
"mum said he dropped it round earlier, he was really nice to her apparently so he's approved by her" she replied as i smiled and nodded,

Jobes pov:

it was lunchtime at training when few of the boys spoke up about Reneè,

"who's this mysterious girl you've been spotted with then?" one of them asked making me smile at the thought of Reneè,
"just someone i met a while ago" i replied,
"she's funny I'll give her that. you should see her replies to all of jobes fan girls in her comments" Jack said as i looked at him confused before going onto Reneè's comment section to see her replying to the fan girls,
i laughed as i read through her comments,
"she's fully trolling" i replied making them laugh,
"she coming to the game tonight?" Jack asked,
"hopefully, i sent her tickets so" i replied as he nodded,
"you should give her your jersey. That'll convince her even more" Daniel said as the others agreed,
"she's working right now and i only know where Tia lives" i replied,
"go to Tia's then. she'll probably take Tia anyway" Jack said as i nodded,
"alright yeah." i replied,
"go on then, still got an hour to lunch" Daniel said as i smirked before getting up and heading out,

once i got to Tia's i knocked on the front door and waited for someone to open it,

when it was opened an older women who i presumed was Tia's mum smiled as she tried to work out who i was,

"hi um im Jobe, a friend of Reneè and Tia, i know Reneè is stayed here last night so i wanted to drop this off to her, sorry for just turning up, i would've gone to her work but i don't know where she works" i said as she smiled,
"nice to meet you Jobe yeah Reneè should be back here later so i'll be sure to give it to her" she replied as i handed her the jersey,
"thank you, again sorry for randomly turning up" i said as she giggle,
"no no your fine love" she replied as i nodded,
"okay anyway i should get going, see you later" i said with a little wave,
"see you later!" she replied before i began walking away and she shut the door,

i took a breath once i got in my car before driving back to the training centre.

Reneè's pov:

i looked at the jersey before deciding to send a quick message to Jobe thanking him,

THE jobe bellingham😱

hey thanks for the jersey :)

your welcome, better see you wearing it later ;)

this story is fun to write 🤭

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