Chapter 25🫡

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~•Massive Time skip•~

6 years later:

Reneè's pov:

in the last 6 years a lot has happened,

Me, Tia and Jobe are all now 24 and Jude is 26,

Me and Tia lived together for about a year and a bit before she moved to Spain to be with Jude and me and Jobe moved to Liverpool after he signed with Liverpool fc,

about a year after Tia had moved to Spain, i got a facetime from her one day,


i was sat in my living room at about 9pm with Jobe next to me as my phone rang,

i looked at the contact to see Tia face timing me,

"hey T what's up- AHHHH" i said making Jobe jump as i looked at the positive pregnancy test,
"what is happening?" Jobe asked making Tia laugh,
"TIAS FUCKING PREGNANT" i yelled as Jude also laughed in the background,

Jobe had his jaw dropped as he looked at the phone before looking at me,
"now this- this is mental" he said as i agreed,

"congratulations guys oh my god" i said as they smiled and said thank you.

~•end of flashback•~

Tia gave birth to a beautiful boy called Jai Bellingham, he's currently 4.
(Jai is pronounced like Kai but with a J)

Amaani and Kobbie also started dating and have been for 6 years now, on their 5 year anniversary Kobbie proposed to her and they married 6 months later, Amaani then fell pregnant and had a baby girl called Leilani Mainoo who is 3.

~•Flashback: Amaani's pov•~

as it's mine and Kobbie's 5 year anniversary we decided we wanted to do something special,

Kobbie had something special planned he refused to tell me,

i'm sat in the passenger seat as Kobbie drove,

after a 20 minute ride we pulled up to the flower field he had taken me when he first asked me to be his girlfriend,

there was a cute little picnic set up with candles, pillows and blankets making it look as cosy as possible,

"Kobbie this beautiful" i said as we got out the car,

he walked round to me and placed his hands on my waist as he guided me to the picnic,

i was going to sit down when he stopped me,

"before we sit down i have something i want to say" he said as i nodded and looked at him curiously as he took my hands in his,

"this past 5 years has been the best 5 years of my life, you have supported me through all the lows and helped me with anything you could help with, i love you to pieces Amaani, I'll never forget when we first met, you were the first person I'd ever given my jersey too and your the first person i've ever given my heart too and im so grateful you've taken care of it. You own a massive part of my heart and i want my future to be with you, if it's not with you i don't want it, You've taken my heart so that's why" he said before getting on one knee and pulling a velvet box out of his pocket as tears streamed out my eyes,
"i want you to take my last name too, So Amaani Rivers, will you marry me?" he asked as i cried and grinned,

"yes of course i will" i replied making him grin before putting the beautiful diamond ring on my finger and standing up pulling me in for a hug,
i kissed his cheek before kissing his lips,
"i love you so much" i said,
"i love you too baby" he replied.

~•end of flashback: Reneè's pov•~

And as for me and Jobe, a year after Tia fell pregnant i found out i was pregnant just before Amaani did,


i was sat at Tyra's house with Saff and Maddie as we waited for the test to tell us the verdict,

"if your pregnant what do you think Jobe will say?" Saff asked as i shrugged,
"i think he'll be shocked definitely" i replied as they nodded,

a few minutes later we all looked at each other as we knew the time was up,

"Ty you look" i said to her as she nodded and looked at it,
she instantly started smiling confirming the news,

i took a peak to see it said i was pregnant,

"oh my god" i said before smiling as they hugged me,
"congratulations" they all said as i thanked them,

later on i went home to see Jobe in the living room asleep,

i walked over and sat next to him waking him up,

"hey Ren" he said with a raspy voice,
"that's why i'm-" i was saying as i was thinking out loud,
"that's why your what?" he asked confused,

"i need to tell you something" i replied as he nodded,
"so i've not been feeling great and i was due a period last week, so the girls made me take a pregnancy test and it turns out i'm, i'm Pregnant" i said as his concerned face turned to a shocked one before he began smiling,

he instantly pulled me onto his lap and hugged me making me giggle,

"are you happy or?" i asked as he nodded,
"of course i'm happy Ren" he replied making me smile as i leant down and kissed his head,
"another baby Bellingham" he said making me giggle and nod,
"another baby bellingham indeed" i replied as we sat there and hugged.

~•end of flashback•~

I ended up having a baby girl called Nya Bellingham and she's 3,
Nya and Brodie are good friends as they sit together at their dads games,

having a baby definitely put a pause on my modelling career but it was 100% worth it.

everything from the beginning to the end, was worth it.

~•the end•~


so i decided to end this story now as i really don't have any new ideas and writing it feels more like a chore then anything, i didn't wanna discontinue it as i could very easily finish it off now like i have.

I am writing a Saka book atm so if you guys wanted to give that a read you definitely should! and if you haven't read my trent or curtis book u should do that too :))

I'm not saying too much but this isn't the last ur gonna see of Reneè, Tia, Jobe, Jude, Amaani and Kobbie 🤠

anyway massive thank you to everyone who read, voted and commented!!! I love you all!

i have more projects on their way don't worry 🥰

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now