Chapter 17

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again, not proof read🥰

Reneè's pov:

once we got down to the pitch Tallulah instantly ran to Trent making all of us go soft at the sight,

"she's the cutest" Tia said as we all agreed,

"there's Kobbie" Jobe said before walking over,

"Jobe!" he said excitedly before hugging him,
"hey Kobbie man" he replied,
"what are you doing here?" Kobbie asked,
"here for Trent's game, came with Jude" Jobe replied as Kobbie nodded,
"you gonna introduce me to these three lovely ladies then?" Kobbie asked making us giggle,

"uh this is Reneè my girlfriend" Jobe said before i gave Kobbie a quick hug,
"lovely to meet you, he's definitely punching" Kobbie joked making me laugh,

"that's Tina, Reneè's best friend" Jobe said before Tia hugged him,
"it's Tia, Jabe's just a bit of a prat" Tia added making Kobbie laugh,

"Hi i'm Amaani" Amaani said introducing herself,
"lovely to meet you" Kobbie replied before hugging her,

Amaani's pov:
after Tia had hugged him i thought i would introduce myself,

As we made eye contact butterflies filled my stomach and when we hugged shivers ran up my spine,

"you smell amazing by the way" Kobbie said to me once we had pulled away from the hug,
"thank you, can't say the same for you" i replied with a wink making him laugh,
"bold, i like it" he said as he looked me in the eyes,

"how come your a United fan then? If these lot are Liverpool" He asked,
"i only met those lot today, we all just clicked though so it feels like i've known them years" i replied with a giggle as he nodded,
"did you want an actual United shirt?" he asked,
"why even bother asking that of course i do" i replied making him laugh before taking his jersey off and giving it to me,

"here let me sign it for you" he said with a wink making me blush as i started writing on it with a sharpie he still had from signing another fans shirt,

"thank you" i replied,
"your welcome, it was nice meeting you" he said,
"See ya Jobe!" he shouted over at Jobe who waved back before he walked off into the changing rooms,

Reneè's pov:

me, Jobe and Tia all watched Amaani and Kobbie's interaction from a distance with grins and smiles,

"did you see that wink when he gave her his shirt?" Tia asked as we all nodded,
"yes Tia we have eyes" Jude replied,
"no but that's so cute he winked at her" she said,
"yes he winked at her, what are you 12?" Jude replied as Tia looked him up and down,
"one of us is" Tia said making me and Jobe laugh as Amaani walked over,

"little cheeky wink we saw there" I said making her blush,
"he signed my shirt too" she replied,
"what did he write?" Tia asked as Amaani shrugged before grabbing her shirt to have a look,

"uhh" she said,
"oh my god" she added,
"what??" we asked,
"he put 'call me x' and then left his number" she replied as me and Tia gasped,
"oh my god!!!!💅💅💅" Jude said in a high pitch voice mocking us,

"take two steps back and turn around" Tia said as she pushed Jude's chest slightly,
"why" he asked,
"take two steps back" Tia repeated as Jude did so,
"turn around" she said as he then turned round,
"now think about what you've done" she added making Jobe laugh his head off,

"nah brother you've been sent, sent straight to the naughty step" Jobe joked as he was nearly crying with laughter,
"you wanna join him?" i asked him as he shook his head,
"yeah thanks Renae-nae" Jude said as i shook my head,

"pair of prannys" i said as Amaani laughed and Tia agreed,

"right i better get going soon, i cannot thank you guys enough for letting me sit in your vip box and allowing me to meet Kobbie" Amaani said before we pulled her in for a hug,
"let me get your number girl" i said as she nodded and got her phone out,

"add Mainoo's number while you've got it out" Tia said with a wink making us laugh,
"oh I'll definitely be doing that don't you worry" Amaani replied with a smirk making Tia laugh,

once we exchanged numbers we found Tyra, Tallulah, Saff and Maddie again and headed inside to wait for Trent, Curtis and Cody,

me and Tia walked Amaani out and made sure she got to her car okay,

we said our goodbyes and headed back inside,

once we got back in the boys were out so we left the stadium,

"right well thank you guys for letting us come to the game" I said as i started hugging them,
"your welcome babe" Tyra replied with a smile as Tia hugged them too,

once we said our goodbyes we headed to our hotel where we would be staying the night before travelling back to Sunderland tomorrow,

once we got there we checked in, me and Jobe shared a room as Jude and Tia had their own rooms,

we were laying in bed when the groupchat started going off,


reneè = renae-nae
tia = tina
jobe = jabe
jude = belligol
trent = scouse plonker 1
tyra = mini ox
saff = saffie bby
maddie = decline
curtis = scouse plonker 2
cody = gakkers

oi ren add amaani

saffie bby
yes! she was so nice!

okay two seconds

renae-nae added Amaani

belligol changed amaani's nickname to YANITED YANITED

omg hi?

hey bae


guys look at this picture i just got sent of jack 🤣

*tap to open*

why's he got curtains as a hairstyle?

what 90s boyband is he apart of? the twat street boys?
*liked by belligol*

mini ox
tia 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


sending him a screenshot of that

go ahead

tia your an icon

why thank you dear

you messages Kobbie yet?

not her airing you LOL unlucky Tia

NO i wasn't airing i was screenshotting so i can send it

*tap to view*


another cliff hanger so ManUtd1999_treble has to come back regardless of whether united win today🥰🥰🥰🥰

hope you liked this chapter don't forget to vote and comment!!!

love u all🥰

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