Chapter 15

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Reneè's pov:

me and Tia were gossiping with Jude as we watched them train,

"so you guys used to be friends with someone called Layla but your not anymore?" Jude asked me as me and Tia nodded,
"why are you not friends with her anymore then?"Jude asked,
"my ex boyfriend cheated on me with her" i replied as he dropped his jaw,
"what a little rat" he said as we agreed,

"Ren do you remember when i rejected that boy so he told my brother i had an STD" Tia said as Jude dropped his jaw again,

"what did your brother say? hang about since when did you have a brother?" Jude asked making us laugh,
"had a brother my whole life mate and he hit him" Tia replied as Jude nodded,
"her brother is a fat Liverpool fan so as long as you introduce Trent to him you'll be fine" i said to Jude with a wink making him look down with a smirk,

"why wouldn't i be fine?" he asked,
"oh yeah it's Jack who may not be fine" i replied as his face turned sour,

Tia noticed this so she thought this play about for a bit,

"Jack is kinda fine you know" Tia said as Jude just watched them train with a sour face,
"you know who is fine? Jobe Bellingham" i replied making her giggle,
"must be the Bellingham gene ay Jude" Tia said as a small smirk appeared on Jude's face,

the smile then dropped off my face as i watched a girl follow Jobe and Jack about, she was way too close to Jobe for comfort,

as time went on she got closer and closer to Jobe, he ended up running over to us just to get away from her,

"why is that hoe touching Jobe up?" Tia asked as i shrugged and Jobe walked over to us,

"hey" he said before leaning down and pecking my lips,

"Ren your freezing" he said as i nodded,
"go inside, we'll be going in soon anyway" he said,
"Nah it's okay, keeping my eyes firmly on her" i replied as i looked at the girl who was already giving me evils,
"oh that's Sarah Jacks sister, she's a bit full on" he said as i nodded,
"are you jealous?" Jobe whispered in my ear before i connected our lips,
"just a bit territorial" i replied making him smirk before winking and going back over to the team,

"so Jude when we going to Liverpool? I wanna see Virgil Van Dilf again" Tia said making a laugh escape my lips,

"after that comment you ain't coming anymore" he replied making me laugh as Tia playfully rolled her eyes,
"don't be jealous pookie" Tia said as she leant her head on Jude shoulder making me instantly look at Jobe with wide eyes who was already looking at me with a laugh,

when they finally broke for lunch we walked down onto the field and waited for Jobe to walk over,

as he got closer he open his arms out to me, i wrapped my arms around him as he wrapped his arms round me,

"come on let's go inside your freezing" he said before kissing my head and intertwining our hands,

we walked into the canteen talking before we were interrupted by Jude and Tia skipping past us with their hands intertwined as they mocked us,

we laughed until they started doing impressions,

"ooo i'm Jobe, i love Renae-nae but i'm gonna stay mysterious and not tell her" Jude mocked as Tia laughed,
"i'm Reneè, i also love Jobe, i love Jobe even more then my best friend Tia" Tia mocked as me and Jobe looked at them with raised eyebrows,

"oh your copying us? copy this then" i said before grabbing Jobe's face and kissing him,

we looked at them with smirks as we waited for their response,

"yeah no that's cringe dude" Jude replied,
"yeah what were you thinking, bro ruined it" Tia added making us laugh before taking a seat,

Jobe went up and grabbed some food with Tia and Jude as i sat on the table,
i didn't go up and i didn't fancy anything,

however when Jobe got back he placed a chicken salad in front of me with a hot chocolate making me look at him,

"Jobe i said i wasn't hungry" i said as he placed his food and drink down before sitting next to me,
"you need to eat Ren and i got the hot chocolate because your freezing" he replied making a small
smile creep onto my face,

"thank you" i said before picking up the hot chocolate for its warmth,
"your welcome" he replied with a smile before taking a bite from his sandwich,

"i want a hot chocolate" we heard Tia say to Jude as they waited to buy their food,
"get one then" Jude replied sarcastically,
"no im budgeting" Tia said,
"Tia it's £2.50" Jude replied making us giggle,
"every little helps" Tia said making us laugh,
"could i get a hot chocolate too please" Jude said to the worker,

"what no that wasn't a hint for you to get me one"
Tia said,
"quit whining your getting your hot chocolate" Jude replied as me and Jobe sat there laughing at their interaction,
"thanks pooks" Tia said as she grabbed her hot chocolate and food before joining us at the table,
"your welcome" Jude replied as he sat next
to her,

"don't bickering now?" Jobe asked,
"never" they both replied at the same time making me and Jobe raise an eyebrow,

"you two can say anything about us saying that at the same time because youse have just made the exact same facial expression" Tia said making us giggle,

"you guys all coming to my game tonight then?" Jobe asked as we nodded,
"who's it against?" I asked,
"Norwich" Jobe replied as i nodded,

"you gonna go to the Newcastle game?" Tia asked,
"what do you mean?" i replied,
"we play Newcastle in a few weeks" Jobe said,
"why does that matter?" Jude asked,
"I'm from Newcastle" i replied as he nodded in realisation,
"damn what jersey you gonna wear?" Jude asked,
"Newcastle Jersey with Jobe on the back" i replied as Jobe looked at me,

"what? it's a compromise" i said with a shrug and he shook his head,

we were all talking when Jack and his sister joined our table,

immediately Jude's face turned sour as he watched Jack joke about with Tia,

my face soon joined Jude's face in looking sour as Sarah started flirting with Jobe right in front of me,

Jobe noticed this and placed a hand on my thigh squeezing it slightly sending shivers up my spine,

"sorry who are you again?" Sarah asked me as she noticed Jobe's hand on my leg,
"Reneè, Jobe's girlfriend" i replied with a sarcastic smile as she nodded with a dirty look,
"i'm Sarah, me and Jobey have known each other since he joined the team" she said making me giggle,

"hasn't he only been at the club for a few months?" i asked making Jobe giggle as she went red,
"still longer then you've known him" she replied as i nodded,
"didn't know it was a competition" i said before Jack started talking to Sarah before she could reply,

this is going to be a long day.

thought i'd give you a little update of the Jobe book as this chapter has been half done for ages so i wanted to finish it :)

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