Chapter 7

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Reneè's pov:

in about 15 minutes me and Tia are getting picked up by Jobe as we're travelling back to Sunderland together,

Tia was refusing to get up so i packed her bag for her leaving an outfit out for her to wear before trying to get her up again,

"Tia get out that damn bed, i've packed your bag and everything but i'm afraid i cannot shower you as well. For a girl without a mum i'm surprisingly good at mothering" i said as her head shot up to look at me making me laugh,
"get up i don't wanna keep Jobe waiting if he gets here before you've even got out of bed" i said as she groaned and sat up,
"your such an L" she replied,
"shut up and get in that damn shower" i said as she sighed and got up,
"so demanding" she replied as she fake cried making me laugh,

as she showered i made sure we both had everything before i got a text from Jobe saying he was outside,

"come on Tia he's outside!" i said as she walked out the bathroom in the outfit i had picked for her,

"let's go see your lover boy then" she said as i playfully rolled my eyes,
"not my lover boy" i replied,
"denial is a river in-" she said as i grabbed my bag,
"let's go" i replied interrupting her before walking out the door with her following behind,

once we walked out the hotel door, Jobe got out the car and walked over taking my bag off me,
"hey i'm more then capable of carrying that you know" i said as he smirked,
"so am i" he replied as i smiled,
"your gonna take hers and not mine too?" Tia said making me giggle as Jobe playfully rolled his eyes and grabbed her bag,
"have you not got a boyfriend for this?" he asked her,
"yeah i got all the hoes but i'm indecisive and can't decide which one i want at a time" she replied as she climbed into the back of the car,
"Tia!" i said as Jobe giggled before starting the car,
"what? just because you can't get no bitches" she replied making me laugh,
"the only thing your gonna get is a disease" i said as she gasped and Jobe laughed,
"shut up Jabe you can't get any bitches either" she replied,
"Tina i have more girls in my message requests then you have friends and acquaintances combined" Jobe said making me laugh at the humbling of my best friend,

"and you've chosen her? all those girls and you chose Reneè" she replied,
"he hasn't chosen me Tia. we're friends" i said as she laughed,
"your both delusional and no one other then me is willing to tell you, so lads this is what i call, the confession car" she replied as me and Jobe both sighed,
"oh here we go" i said making Jobe giggle as Tia cleared her throat,

"Jabe and Reneè are secretly in love" she announced,
"why you begging it for? and your meant to say your confession not a load of bullshit about other people" i said as she gasped,
"it's not bullshit it's facts, and when youse are together remember i called it" i replied as Jobe giggled,
"yeah okay, go back to sleep babe" i said as she shrugged,
"don't have to tell me twice" she replied,

after half an hour Tia was sound asleep,
me and Jobe sat there in silence but a comfortable silence,

as we got closer to Sunderland i thought about what i will walk into when i get home,

it wasn't until Jobe placed his free hand on my thigh that i realised i had been shaking my leg,

shivers ran up my spine as Jobe's hand remained on my thigh,

i looked at him as he looked at me with a smile before removing his hand,

when he removed his hand i felt disappointed, like i wanted to feel his touch again,

so i reached over and grabbed his hand placing it on my thigh again making him take a deep breath,

i placed my hands on top of his hand and that's how we sat for most of the ride,

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now