Chapter 3

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2 weeks later:

Reneè's pov:

it's been two weeks since Tia and i snuck into the party,
i've thought about Jobe every now and then wondering why he never texted,
but once Tia told me he's a footballer and literally plays for Sunderland it all made sense,
i've never kept up with football that's why i never realised,

i was just about to finish my shift when Tia walked in,

"what are you doing here?" i asked as i clocked out,
"we're clubbing tonight" she replied,
"T i'm going to go bankrupt if you don't get your partying addiction under control" i said making her laugh,
"come on it'll be funnnnn" she replied as i sighed,
"alright fine but after this, i'm not going out for at least a month" i said as she nodded,
"deal" she replied with a giggle making me shake my head,
"come on then" i said before we walked out and headed to my house,

"he ain't in is he" Tia asked referring to my dad as we walked to my door,
"Tia hes always in" i replied as she rolled her eyes,

"Reneè i need you to go to the shop and get more beers" my dad shouted as soon as i walked in,
"she ain't your fucking slave mate do it yourself" Tia yelled back as i pushed her towards the stairs,
"Reneè what have i told you about that mouthy little shit you have as a friend" he yelled back,
"shut the hell up dad. go to the store yourself i'm going out" i replied before going upstairs, grabbing a clubbing outfit and leaving for Tia's house,

ever since my mum left, my dad has gotten even worse. My mum left me and my dad because all my dad did was drink and verbally abuse everyone,
we've never been rich and that's why my mum fled on her own leaving me here,
I don't blame her, at first i did, i hated her but as i've grown i've realised she was trapped and she took the only way out.

"he's such a fucking dick" Tia said as we walked into her house,
"language Tia!" her mum Rose said making me smile,
"hey Rose" i said as she smiled at me,
"hello Reneè dear how are you?" she replied,
"i'm good thanks you?" i said,
"i'll be good when this one stops swearing" she replied gesturing to Tia making me laugh,
"mum her dad called me a mouthy little shit" Tia said,
"He wanted her to go and get him beers" Tia added,
"oh dear, Reneè darling you know if you want to stay here you can" Rose replied as if nodded with a smile,
"alright, mum we're going out once i've changed, be back later" Tia said as her mum nodded,
"okay be safe" she replied as we walked upstairs,

"ugh my actual husband has posted" Tia said as i got changed,
"who?" i asked as she looked at me,
"uh Trent Alexander Arnold?" she replied as i nodded,
"ohhh you mean Tyras husband" i said,
"honestly i'd have them both. they're the definition of bi panic" she replied making me laugh,
"wait if you ever see Jobe again you can get him to introduce me to them" she said,
"i met Jobe once i highly doubt we're gonna meet again" i replied,
"bro if you just did what i said you should do and followed him on instagram maybe you'd get somewhere" she said,
"he has over a million followers. He ain't gonna notice my follow" i replied,
"then why won't you do it" she asked as i sighed and grabbed my phone,

i went on instagram, found his account and followed him,

"there you go, happy now?" i asked as she grinned and nodded,
"yes" she replied as i shook my head,

as we were walking out of her door she said my name,

"Reneè let's get pics because you look hot" she said making me giggle,
"alright alright" i replied as she grinned and got her phone camera out,

once we took pics we called for an uber,

"post those two" she said to me,
"alright boss" i replied,

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now