Chapter 22

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Reneè's pov:

today me and Tia are back in Liverpool as Amaani has begged us to come to the United V Everton game,

me and Tia got off the train and headed to the closest starbucks as that's where Amaani was meeting us,

"hey guys" she said as we walked over,
"hey Ami" i replied,
"you alright?" she asked as we nodded,
"how are you? Excited to see your boyfriend?" i replied making her go red,
"he's not my boyfriend" she said making me laugh,

"hey what times this game?" Tia asked,
"in an hour and a half so we gotta go" she replied as we nodded,

"i'm gonna pop to the toilet first" Tia said before walking towards the toilets,

"is she okay? she seems quiet" Amaani said as i agreed,
"oh there's something bothering her definitely, she won't tell me though" i replied,
"you reckon it's something to do with Jude?" she asked as i shrugged,
"she hasn't been round for ages, we're moving in together next week as well" i said as she nodded,

"have you spoken to Jobe about it? see if Jude's the same" she replied as i shook my head,
"Jude's been a bit quieter but nothing major, but i'll speak to Jobe, if anyone notices anything it'll be him" i said as she nodded and Tia walked over, 

Jobe's pov:

i was sat at the breakfast bar with Jude when i got a text from Reneè,




how does Jude seem?

weird why

because Tia is so quiet- something must've happened between them.

as i read the last text Jude cleared his throat,

i looked up to see him looking at me,

"what's up?" i asked as i put my phone on standby,
"i've just seen my name in that text, what you two gossiping about?" he asked making me sigh,

"has something happened between you and Tia?" i asked as he just looked at me,
"who told you that?" he asked,
"so it's a yes then" i replied,
"that's not what i said" he said as i shrugged,

"no come on what makes you think that?" he asked,
"because Reneè said Tia's really quiet and not herself and i thought you seemed the same" i replied as he nodded,
"well you and Ren can continue with your delusions, i'm going for a run" he said as i sighed,

Jude's pov:

after hearing Tia didn't seem herself i began to worry slightly,

ever since that night we kissed she's been avoiding me like the plague,

i've sent her messages asking to talk but she hasn't replied.

Reneè's pov:

after reading Jobe's text saying Jude is off and he thinks something definitely happened i knew i had to get it out of her,

"alright T listen" i said as we walked into Goodison park,
"what's happened?" i asked as she looked at me,
"what do you mean?" she replied,

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now