Chapter 9

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Reneè's pov:

when we got back to Jobe's i went straight to my room to put everything away,

once i put everyone away i walked out of my closet, looked at the wall behind my bed to see a massive spider making me scream,

"JOBE" i yelled as he came running into my room panicked,
"what's happening are you okay?" he asked as i pointed at the wall,
he looked at the wall before laughing,

"Jobe it's not funny get rid" i said as he walked over to it and grabbed it before throwing it out my window,

he then span round and ran at me saying he still had it in his hands,
"Jobe i swear to god!" i yelled as he opened his hands to reveal there was in fact nothing in there,

i shot him evils as he giggled,
"not funny" i said as he carried on laughing,
"is funny" he replied as i launched myself at him as we began play fighting resulting in me laying on the bed with him hovering over me,

we looked into each others eyes before he leant down so our faces were only inches apart,

i could feel his warm breath hitting my face before he leant in a tiny bit more softly connecting our lips like he was waiting for my approval, when i placed my hands on the back of his neck pulling him closer he kissed me properly,

he snaked his arm under my back before flipping us so he was sat up and i was sat straddling his lap not breaking the kiss once,

once we pulled apart for air we put our foreheads together,

"sorry for not asking first but-" he was saying before i interrupted him by kissing him again,

he wrapped his arms round my waist pulling me as close as he could as i ran my hands through his curls, however i pulled away before anything more could happen,

"never apologise for kissing me again" i said making him smirk,
"yes boss" he replied making me smile before standing up and closing my closest door i had left open,

"what did you want for dinner? i'll need to tell dad" he said,
"i don't mind, i'm not fussy" i replied,
"feel kinda insulted" he said making me smile and shake my head,
"oh shush you know what i mean" i replied as he giggled,
"your such a wind up" i added making him laugh,
"you love it" he replied as i smirked and walked out the room

"where you going?" he called out,
"to explore your house? i don't know" i replied as he soon followed behind me,

once i got to the bottom of the stairs my phone started ringing,

i looked at the contact to see it was Tia,

Reneè: hey T what's up
Tia: Ren i'm so bored, where are u can we hang out
Reneè: i'm at Jobes, you can come round if you want
Tia: okay send me the address
Reneè: will do see you in a bit
Tia: see ya
*call has ended*

"i'm inviting jack round" Jobe said making me giggle as i messaged Tia the address,
"need to mentally prepare myself to be tormented by your best friend now" Jobe added as we walked into the lounge,
"she's just an honest soul" i replied,
"brutally honest" he said as i laid on the sofa putting my legs on his lap,

10 minutes later:

"thank god, jack can come round" Jobe said making me laugh as the doorbell rang,
i got up and ran to the door before opening it to see Tia,
"hey girl" i said before letting her in,
"babe when i asked for the address you should've just told me to look out for the buckingham palace dupe fuck-" she said making me laugh as we walked into the living room,
"hey Jabe" she said,
"hey Tina" he replied as she flopped onto the sofa,

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now