Chapter 19

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so erm i only just realised i never gave Tia a fc 😭

Tennessee Thresh as Tia Maynard💪

Tennessee Thresh as Tia Maynard💪

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Reneè's pov:

Today me, Jobe, Tia and Jude travel back to Sunderland,

once me and Jobe were ready we headed out of our room and went to Tia's room,

me and Jobe looked at each other as we heard two voices in her room,

"Tia?" i said as i knocked on her door,
she opened the door and walked away again,

we walked in to see Jude laying on the bed on his phone,

"you two finally ready" Jude said as we looked at him with raised eyebrows,
"wipe that look of your faces he's only in here because he was too scared to go to your room" Tia added making us laugh,

"Tia man hurry up the Ubers nearly here" Jude complained as we all looked him him,
"ain't no way you've called an uber to take us back to Sunderland" i said as he nodded,
"ain't going on no stinky train again. Last time the guy in our carriage was eating literal dog food i swear" he replied as we rolled our eyes,

"so entitled" Tia said as she zipped up her bag and stood up ready to go,
"situations like this is what money is for" Jude replied,
"quit yapping about how rich you are and hurry up" Tia said as she walked out the door,

"i was literally the first one ready" Jude replied,
"yet your the last one out the door?" Tia said as she locked her hotel door and began walking to the lobby,

"still doesn't change the fact i was the first one ready" he replied,
"where's your proof" she asked as we walked into the lift,
"what do you mean proof? why would i have proof" he replied,
"pictures or it didn't happen" she said as Jobe pressed the button to the lobby,
"what does that even mean-" Jude asked,
"just the rules babe" she replied,
"in what world?" he asked as the doors opened and we walked out and over to the front desk to hand our keys over,

"in this world obviously" she said,
"well clearly not if i haven't heard of it" he replied,
"well clearly you live under a damn rock" she said,
"no just in Spain, babe." he replied as me and Jobe sighed,
"yeah your gonna be in Spain without the S if you don't zip it" she said,
"once i'm back in Spain i'm never coming back here i swear down" he replied,
"promise?" she said with a fake pout as Jude rolled his eyes,

"can you two shut the fuck up? Ain't listening to you two bicker this whole journey" i said as they looked at me,

"it's his fault"
"it's her fault" they both said at the same time making me and Jobe raise a brow,

"anyway Ubers here" Jude said changing the subject before walking to the Uber,

i sat in the front as Jude sat behind me, Tia sat in the middle and Jobe sat behind the driver,

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now