Chapter 23

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thank you for 5k reads everyone!! don't forget to comment btw (i'll start making threats again) xx

Tia's pov:

"can we talk?" i asked as he nodded,
"sorry for ignoring your messages i just needed to think" i said,
"it's okay" he replied,

"why did you kiss me?" i blurted out making him raise an eyebrow,
"why did i kiss you?" he repeated as i nodded,
"i'm not gonna be just another number Jude so if it was a mistake tell me now" i said

"look Tia, it was just the vibe of the moment" he replied making my heart drop slightly,
"so it was a mistake?" i asked,
"just a mistake" he replied before looking down as i nodded,

Reneè's pov:

"Jobe move your head i wanna earwig" i said before placing my ear up to the door,
"No i wanna earwig too" he complained as i shushed him,

"it doesn't sound good" i said making him look at me confused before we heard someone walking over to the door making us run away,

we then saw Tia walk out the room and straight out the door,

Tia's pov:

once he confirmed it was a mistake i had to get out of there,

"Tia wait" he said as i opened the door and headed out,

This is why i was shielding myself, i should've  continued because at least then i wouldn't have been hurt.

Jude's pov:

knowing i would have to go back to Spain made me believe Tia and I just wouldn't work, kissing her wasn't a mistake but i had to tell her it was for her own good,

seeing her upset was the last thing i wanted,

i stood in front of the pool table thinking when Jobe and Reneè came in,

"what's just happened?" Reneè asked as i leant the pool cue against the pool table,

"i told her the kiss was a mistake" i replied as she dropped her jaw,
"why did you do that?" she asked,
"i live in Spain, we'd never work" i said as she angrily shook her head,
"if you didn't think you'd work why would you lead her on this whole time?" she asked angrily,

it's safe to say i've never seen Reneè so angry, and i don't think Jobe had either,

Reneè's pov:

i was absolutely raging.

"what you got nothing to say now? You've hurt my best friend and you've got nothing to say? No sort of explanation?" i said as he looked down,
"coward" i added,
"Reneè that's enough" Jobe replied making me look at him,
"oh no it's not. Tia is like my sister i'm not having this" i said,
"i understand why your angry i do but i did what i had to for her" Jude replied,
"no you did what you had to do for you. And remember what i said when you first met her? You hurt her and i'll hurt you. watch yourself" i said before walking out and heading to Tia's house,

Jobe's pov:

once Reneè left i looked at Jude who looked defeated,

"what are you playing at?" i asked,
"i just, i really into Tia but it's not going to work, no point in taking it even further just for us both to get hurt" he replied,
"are you even hearing yourself right now? your both hurt because of what you just did. At least if you got together and it didn't work you'd be able to say you tried" i said as he sighed,
"i fucked up" he replied as i nodded,

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now