Chapter 14

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hey guys! Don't be dry readers otherwise i'm breaking up Jobe and Reneè🤠🤠🤠

anyway enjoy the chapter 🥰

Jobe's pov:

~•the next day•~

i woke up, showered and headed downstairs,

i walked into the kitchen to see Jude sat in there on his phone,

"morning bro" he said as i walked in,
"morning" i replied as i grabbed a coffee,
"so, you and Reneè" he said with a grin as i sat next to him,

"what you looking at me like that for?" i asked as he shrugged,
"no reason, just your first girlfriend that mums actually liked you know" he replied making me smirk,
"then again that's probably because she's not a spoiled kylie jenner wanna be" he added as i looked at him before realising he's not wrong and nodding in agreement making him laugh,

"you really like her then" he asked making me smile,
"look at your little smile" he teased making my smile grow wider before slapping him,

"what about you and Tia then?" i asked him,
"she interests me" he replied as i nodded,
"she's a humbling person isn't she" i said as he nodded with a giggle,
"that's what interests me" he replied as i nodded,
"Don't break her heart. Reneè will slaughter you" i said making him laugh,
"i think Tia will slaughter you mate if you break Reneè's heart" he replied,
"i don't have to worry because i know i won't" i said as the kitchen door opened and in walked Reneè wearing shorts, fluffy socks and one of my hoodies with the hood up,

Reneè's pov:

as i walked in the kitchen Jobe and Jude both looked at me,

"morning Ren" Jobe said with a smile,
"Morning" i muttered as i walked over to Jobe who wrapped an arm round my waist as i wrapped my arm round the back of his neck,
"good morning Renae-nae" Jude said as i looked at him,
"not a morning person?" Jude then asked as i continued to look at him,
"well aren't you a reneè of sunshine" he said as Jobe scoffed,

"stop talking" i replied as he laughed,
"now i see why you and Tia are best friends" he said,

"wait why are you here? thought you had training?" i asked Jobe,
"got a later session today" he replied as i nodded,
"do you two wanna come with?" he added,
"sure" Jude replied as he looked at his phone,
"can i bring Tia?" i asked catching Jude's attention,
"yeah sure" Jobe replied as i nodded and texted Tia,

"let's try one of your famous teas then" Jude said as i boiled the kettle,
"yeah same actually" Jobe added,
"you guys are gonna be mind blown, best cuppa you'll ever have" i replied making them giggle as my phone pinged,

i looked at it to see it was Tia saying she was on her way over so i grabbed a 4th cup making them look at me confused,

"who's that one for?" Jobe asked,
"Tia" i replied as he nodded,
"she's coming then?" Jude asked,
"no i'm making a tea for her now ready for when she comes here in 2 weeks" i replied sarcastically making Jobe laugh as Jude's jaw dropped,

"you and Tia just keep humbling me at the moment" Jude said as i smiled,
"good. stay humbled" i replied making him giggle,

"do you guys take sugar?" i asked them,
"1" they replied at the same time as i nodded and put a spoonful in each,

once i was done i put a mug in front of both of them,
"thank you" they both said before they looked at each other and picked up their mugs taking a sip,

"mum wasn't lying" Jude said making me smirk,
"no she really wasn't" Jobe replied before the doorbell rang,
"i'll get it" Jude said making me and Jobe smirk as we knew he wanted to see Tia,

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now