Chapter 20

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Reneè's pov:

since i'm such a light sleeper i woke up to Jobe getting up and ready for training as Sunderland play Newcastle tonight,

"good morning" i muttered catching his attention,
"good morning Ren, go back to sleep it's 7:30am" he replied,
"oh i will don't you worry" i said making him giggle,
"I'll see you at the game later, bye i love you" he said as he leant over and kissed my head,
"goodbye i love you too" i replied before falling straight back asleep,

*hours later

i woke up to Tia shaking me,

"get up man i need advice" she said as i sat up and rubbed my eyes,
"what's up?" i asked,
"okay so last night i went into the kitchen and Jude was there, we had our usual bicker then he was like right behind me when i turned round and he tucked my hair behind my ear and i can't lie part of me thought he was gonna kiss me" she replied as my jaw dropped,
"i'm scared Ren i can't catch feelings for him. Im not gonna be another number to him i can't" she added,
"Im gonna be more of a dick to him, just so he knows i don't like him, yeah that's a good idea. Good talk Ren, oh and start getting ready it's 4pm" she said making my jaw drop again as i had practically slept the whole day,

i got up and showered before changing into my newcastle jersey that had "Jobe" and "7" on the back,

i walked downstairs and into the living room where Jude was,

"he's gonna hate you oh my god" Jude said as he saw me,
"i'm comprising" i replied as i span round and showed him the back making him laugh,

"so you guys ready to see my driving skills?" Jude asked as i shook my head,
"scared for my life but death by Jude Bellingham's driving sounds like a cool way to go" i replied as Tia walked in the room wearing a Liverpool jersey,

"are you aware of the game your going to?" Jude asked her as she nodded,
"yeah, always supporting my team whether they play or not" she replied making us laugh,
"well i'm gonna wear my madrid jersey then" Jude said as Tia pulled a face,
"no it's not funny when you do it" she replied making us laugh,

"right you guys ready?" Jude asked as he stood up,
"for your driving? never" Tia replied as Jude mimicked her,

Jude was driving us to Newcastle as he had just passed his test finally,

i sat in the back as Tia sat in the front with Jude,

"we should be there in like 10 minutes" Tia said as Jude glanced at her,
"the satvav says 20 minutes?" Jude replied,
"well that's because someone drives like a
pensioner" Tia said making me giggle,
"i'm going 60 in a 50?" Jude replied in disbelief,
"70 is the new 60" Tia said,
"what- who even talks like that?" Jude asked with a scoff,
"who gets passed by a bus full of nuns? oh wait Jude does" Tia replied as Jude did in fact get passed by a bus of nuns,
"well they have god on their side Tia i'm not gonna be Jesus" Jude said making me laugh,

"it's so cold in here, i'm literally getting the cold sweats" Tia said making Jude sigh,
"the heating isn't even working- this is the worst, i'm stuck in a rich boys car who can't even get heating, with cold sweats and music that only slaps when it's on mute" Tia complained as i tried my best to contain my laughter,
"hey do not dis rap music" Jude replied,
"it's literally just instruments and a whole lot of complaining" she said,
"oh that reminds me of someone else who's doing a whole lot of complaining Tia, you. Now it's my car, my music, my snacks-" Jude was saying,
"bear yo-yos and frubes? What are you 8?" Tia interrupted making Jude look at me in the mirror,

"Reneè say goodbye to Tia" Jude said making me raise an eyebrow,
"what are you doing?" i asked,
"pulling over to kick Tia out" Jude replied as Tia gently slapped his arm,
"don't you dare" she said making him smirk before driving on,

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now