Chapter 11

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Reneè's pov:

i woke up to my alarm at 7am as i needed to catch a train to Manchester,

i could hear Jobe's shower running so i presumed he would also be leaving soon,

i got up and walked back to my room before jumping in the shower,

once i was showered i got changed before i started drying my hair,

i looked up into the mirror to see Jobe opening the door behind me,

i smiled before turning the hair dryer off and spinning round to face him,

"morning Ren, your up early" he said,
"yeah i've got a shoot with Saff in Manchester" i replied as he nodded,
"how you getting there?" he asked,
"train" i replied as he nodded,
"alright i've got to go, be safe and call me if you need anything" he said as i smiled and nodded,
"i'll see you later, have fun at training" i replied,
"thank you, see you later" he said before leaving closing the door behind him,

"3, 2, 1" i was saying before he opened the door again making me giggle as he walked over,

he lifted my chin so i was looking up at him before leaning down placing his lips on mine,

"now I'm going" he said making me laugh before leaving again,

as i was putting on some light makeup i began thinking about me and Jobe, wondering what we actually are,

i was snapped out my thoughts when my phone began to ring,

Reneè: hey Tia
Tia: what are you doing today
Reneè: i've got a shoot in Manchester
Tia: ooo can i come?
Reneè: if you can get a train ticket for the train i'm getting in half an hour then sure
Tia: babe you know i don't buy train tickets
Reneè: okay we'll see if you can flirt your way out of this fine too then
Tia: of course, meet you at the station in 15
Reneè: sounds good
*call has ended*

i did everything i needed to do before leaving for the station,

once i got there i saw Tia waiting outside so i walked over,

"what took you so long?" she asked,
"aw couldn't get through the gates?" i asked as i pouted making her playfully roll her eyes,
"whatever, let's go" she replied as i laughed and scanned the gate so we could get in,

"you better hope your little plan works because i'm not paying your fine" i said as we got on the train,
"it always works" she replied as we took a seat,
"yeah until the ticket man is either gay or 72 years old" i replied,
"chill out man that ain't gonna happen" she said making me giggle,

"so guess who messaged me" Tia said,
"who?" i asked,
"Mr Bellingham, and no i'm not talking about your man's" she replied as my jaw dropped,
"he messaged you first?" i asked as she nodded,
"i knew he was interested by you" i said,
"yeah no he told me about how he's gonna be in town" she replied as i nodded,
"yeah next week" i said,
"yeah and now that you live with them, i can come round without him thinking i'm there for him, i ain't growing that man's ego" she replied making me laugh,
"sounds like you got it all figured out" i said as she nodded with a giggle,

we were about to arrive in Manchester when the ticket man started coming round,

Tia looked at him before looking at me and smiling,
"he's our age" she mouthed making me giggle and roll my eyes,

"tickets please" he asked before i showed mine,

"have you got your ticket ma'am" he asked Tia as she was on her phone pretending to look for her non-existent ticket,

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