Chapter 10

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Reneè's pov:

Jobe's head was on my lap as we watched the tv,

i played with his curls before his dad got back,

"hey guys i'm home!" Mark yelled,
"we're in the living room" Jobe yelled back before Mark walked in,
"hey guys how was your day" he asked,
"it was good, how was your day?" i replied,
"pretty average, what are you two wanting for dinner then?" he asked as Jobe sat up,
"ah forgot to message you didn't i" Jobe replied as Mark nodded,
"i'm not really fussed to be honest" Jobe added,
"Reneè? you got any requests?" Mark asked as i shook my head,
"chinese food?" Mark asked as me and Jobe both nodded,
"absolutely" Jobe replied making me giggle as Marks phone began to ring,

"your mums face-timing, quick tidy the room up a bit" he said as Jobe got up and tidied up a bit as mark answered,
"hello darling you alright?" he asked,
"hi Mark you alright?" she replied as he nodded,
"keeping the house nice? where's Jobe?" she asked as he panned the camera to Jobe,
"is that Reneè i see?" Jude asked as some of my hair and hoodie was in the camera,
"it is indeed" I replied as Mark panned the camera to me,

Denise smiled before waving,
"hello sweet, hope these two aren't annoying you too much" she said making me giggle as Mark and Jobe gasped,
"hey, no they're alright, well Mark is anyway." i replied as Denise laughed,
"what do you mean?" Jobe asked,
"you literally pretended like you were gonna throw a spider at me this morning" i replied as Denise gasped,
"Jobe that's not nice. spiders are nasty" she said as Jobe smirked,
"yeah well i made it up to her so" he replied as i discreetly slapped him,

"how are you two?" Mark asked,
"can't wait to come back to the uk i can't lie" Jude replied,
"your in Spain? why on earth would you wanna come back here?" i asked,
"too hot, bit like your best friend" he replied as mine and Jobe's jaws dropped,
"Jude!" Denise said as Jude just laughed,
"the way Tia would pass out" Jobe replied,
"don't expose her" i said as he surrendered,
"when are you guys back?" Jobe asked,
"well christmas break starts in a week for me so next week lad" Jude replied as he nodded,

"alright well let you go, love you all and we'll see you soon, Reneè if Jobe annoys you anymore just kick him out," Denise said making me laugh before we all said goodbye and hung up,

"alright i'll be in the study room if anyone needs me, i'll order the food about 6 so Jobe text me what you guys want" Mark said before leaving the room as we nodded,

"she loves you already" Jobe said making me giggle,
"everyone loves me, except for my mum and dad" i replied before laughing as he just looked at me,
"Jobe come on that was a good one" i added as he shook his head,
"comedy is how i deal with my trauma allow me" i said as he wrapped an arm round my shoulders pulling me into him,

"if you ever need to talk about it you know I'm here for you right?" he said as i nodded and he kissed my head,
"boring" i muttered making him scoff before he lifted my chin so i was looking up at him and placed his lips on mine,

"was that more entertaining for you?" he asked making me smirk,
"hm not really sure might have to do it again" i replied as he smiled and kissed me again,
"yup that's definitely more entertaining" i said making him giggle,

after an hour the food arrived so me and Jobe headed to the dining room,

"we don't speak of this to your mum" Mark said making us both laugh,
"you know what she's likes about you and your footballer diet" he added,
"i know better then anyone dad" Jobe replied,
"well Jude probably knows more" i said as Jobe agreed,
"True actually" Jobe replied,

After dinner we sat in the living room talking and getting to know each other more,
Mark told me some very interesting facts about Jobe that he's never going to live down, (he put his goldfish in a lake and said he took it for a walk, when it didn't come back he was most devastated),

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now