Chapter 24

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Reneè's pov:

it's been a few days and today me and Tia move into our new apartment,

Jobe, Mark and Jude helped us move in,

i was convinced it would be awkward with everything going on with Jude and Tia but because of how busy we all were it wasn't totally unbearable,

once most of our stuff was moved in Mark left leaving Jude and Jobe to finish off the last bits,

i was in my new room putting my furniture together when Jobe walked in and giggled,

"do you even know what your doing?" he asked as i was screwing my bed frame together,
"nope" i replied,
"have you even read the instructions?" he asked with a raised brow,
"nope" i replied making him laugh,
"i don't do instructions" i added as he shook his head and began reading through the instructions,

"Ren your meant to put that there" Jobe said as
i shook my head,
"babe it's obviously not meant to go there look" i replied sarcastically,
"oh sorry guess the instructions are wrong then" he said sarcastically as i looked at him,

"less of the attitude thanks" i replied before carrying on with what i was doing,
"you gave me attitude first" he said as i shrugged,
"proof or it didn't happen" i replied as he tutted and walked over to my walk in wardrobe,

Tia's pov:

i was in my new room putting my bedside table together as i listened to Jobe and Reneè argue,

"you need any help?" i heard Jude say from behind me,
"no" i replied bluntly not taking my eyes off what i was doing,

"hey Tia can i talk to you?" he asked making me roll my eyes,
"you can talk but i can't assure you I'll listen" i replied as he sighed,

"i just want to make things right with you, i need to tell you how i really feel" he said making me pause what i was doing,
"i think you made that pretty clear" i replied standing up and turning to face him,

"no i didn't, i said what i thought was right not what i felt" he said making me cross my arms,
"the kiss- it wasn't-" he was saying before Reneè shouted,

"JOBE I FREAKING TOLD YOU IT WASN'T MEANT TO GO THERE" she yelled making me walk out of my room and into Reneè's to see Jobe trying to put her bed frame together,

"no one dead? okay good. Stop shouting" i said before leaving her room and walking back into mine before they could reply,

"what were you saying?" i asked Jude as i walked over to my bedside table,

"uh it doesn't matter, i just wanna fix the drama between us, friends?" he said as i looked at him and smiled slightly,
"yeah sure" i replied making him smile,

"okay can you put this together? i ain't got a clue what i'm doing" i said making him laugh before nodding and walking over,

"Jobe i swear to god if you've broken this i'm gonna break you" we heard Reneè say making us laugh,

i stared at Jude admiring his features, i didn't realise how long i had spent doing it though,

"take a picture and frame it if you like" he said as he read the instructions making me blush,
"now wouldn't that be a fright" i replied making him giggle before picking up a few screws,

"can you pass me the screw driver please" he said as i picked up the screw driver and passed it to him,

our fingers brushed past each other as he took it from me making butterflies fill my stomach,

i watched as he tried to do the last little bit,

"let me do it" i said before taking it off him,
"no i wanna do it- i wanted to say i put this up" he replied as i finished it off,
"well a pair of tough tittys to you sir" i said as he looked at me with a raised eyebrow and a slight smirk,

from the beginning ~ Jobe BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now