Chapter 21

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~•the next day•~

Reneè's pov:

today me and Tia decided we would have a girls day out, However Jude and Jobe also wanted to go out as Jobe is now on christmas break so they said they'd drop us to the shopping centre,

Tia and Jude sat in the back as Jobe drove and i sat in the front,

"Tia look it's you" Jude said as we went past a shop that had a donkey toy in the window, she just put her middle finger up at him as he laughed,

"if you had 3 wishes what would you wish for?" i asked randomly,
"i wish Jude would shut up and leave me alone" Tia replied making us laugh as Jude gasped,
"that's 2 gone by the way" i said,
"worth it" Tia replied,
"you could've wished for something like peace in the world" Jude said,
"i just did, if you kept quiet there would be at lot more peace" Tia replied making me and Jobe crease,

"damn Tia's on one today" Jobe said as he pulled into the car park,

"alright see you later" i said before kissing Jobe quickly on the lips,
"don't think your getting one" Tia said to Jude making him giggle before she got out,

"how come you and Jude have only bickered once today then?" i asked,
"because i'm trying my best to avoid him, being a dick to him didn't work so i'm trying out this now" she replied as i looked at her,
"you can't just ignore your feelings T, if you like him you should go for it" i said as she looked at me like i had just grown 3 heads,
"are you mental? like actually crazy?" she asked as i raised an eyebrow,
"you know i would never do that" she added as i shrugged,
"maybe it's time you do" i replied as she shook her head,
"your wrong Miss Temple, now let's not talk about boys and go shop" she said before running into Primark making me laugh, she then paused before going in,

"hang about we're rich now we don't need this place anymore do we?" she asked me as i shrugged,
"i don't know, i'm not familiar with money" i replied,
"yeah rich girls still need Primark 100%" she said making me laugh before we walked in,

after hours of shopping we went and got some food,

"So Ren i had a genius idea" Tia said making me look at her with a raised eyebrow,
"i'm listening" i replied,

"so like my tiktok and youtube is doing really well at the moment and your modelling is doing really well so i was thinking that we could and definitely should move in together" she said as instantly smiled and started nodding,
"yes oh my god, staying at Jobe's was only meant to be temporary anyway, we could find a nice little apartment" i replied as her face lit up,
"yes! I'll get my mum on it, she loves that type
of stuff" she said as i laughed and nodded,
"why did we not think of this sooner?" i asked as she shrugged, 

once we left i went back to Jobe's as Tia decided to go home.

Tia's pov:

after shopping i decided to go straight home, mainly to carry on my side quest of avoiding Jude,

i was in my room watching tv when there was a knock at my bedroom door,

"I'm busy studying....naked." i called out,
"is that supposed to be a bad thing?" i familiar brum accent said from the other side of the door,
"Jude??" i asked as i got up and walked over to the door before opening it,

"your at my house?" i said,
"and you are dressed, i wonder who's more disappointed, can i come in?" he replied,
"no?" i said,
"thanks" he replied before walking in,

"what are you doing here?" i asked as he sat down on my bed,
"your beds comfy" he replied as i sighed,
"yup well aware because you know i sleep in it every night" i said making him smirk,

"why are you avoiding me" he asked making me cross my arms,
"i'm not" i lied making him sit up and look at me,
"you are, you refused to look at me this morning and in the car you barely spoke to me" he replied as i just shrugged and laid back on my bed pressing play on the tv remote,

he then reached over grabbing the remote and pressing pause,

"do you mind?" i said,
"answer the question" he replied,
"okay you can leave now" i said as i got up and walked over to the door,

"i will when you answer the question" he replied,
"i'm not avoiding you? i have no reason to avoid nor speak to you? Not like we're dating or anything" i said as he raised an eyebrow,
"you wish we were though huh" he replied with a smirk as he also stood up,

"what organ did you use to come up with that conclusion? Your liver or your kidney because it definitely wasn't your brain" i said making him giggle,
"so much attitude" he replied as he walked over,
"what are you doing?" i asked as my heart started beating faster,
"leaving like you told me to do?" he replied as he looked at me before smirking,

"do i make you nervous Tia?" he asked,
"pfft no" i replied as he stepped closer to me,
"not even now?" he asked as he was stood a few inches from me looking down at me,

he placed his hand under my chin and moved my head up so i was looking at him in the eyes,
"now?" he asked,
"nope not one bit" i replied making him smirk before leaning in connecting our lips,

i placed my hands on his cheeks as he held my waist deepening the kiss,

once we pulled apart he smiled at me before i walked over to my bed laying back on it,

"this is bad" i said as he raised an eyebrow,
"why?" he asked,
"because i promised myself i'd be a dick to you and avoid you" i replied making him giggle,
"so you were avoiding me" he said as i sat up,
"no." i replied,
"you just said it?" he said,
"no i didn't. where's your proof?" i replied as he crossed his arms with a sigh,
"exactly, proof or it didn't happen" i said as he smiled and shook his head,

"am i still meant to leave or?" he asked,
"yeah? you think just cus we locked lips that i'm obsessed with you? No hun" i replied making him smirk,
"i knew ages ago you were obsessed, but if you wanna be delusional then that's totally fine, Bye T" he said with a wink making me blush before he walked out the door,

He's gonna be the death of me i thought before pressing play on my remote again.

Reneè's pov:

once i got back from shopping i went to Jobe's room to see him playing fifa,

"hey baby" he said as i walked over and sat on his lap as he was sat on his gaming chair,
"how was shopping?" he asked after i had given him a kiss,
"good, so me and Tia got talking and she suggested me and her getting an apartment together" i said as he nodded,
"sounds like a chaotic idea, it's up to you Ren, i'm not gonna be offended if you move out, you originally came here temporarily anyway" he replied as i smiled and nodded,
"okay good i just didn't want you to be offended or anything" i said as he shook his head,
"no course not, I'll support whatever you decide" he replied making me smile,
"thanks Jobe, your a star" i said making him giggle,
"oh i know" he replied making me playfully roll my eyes.

they'll be drama soon i promise :) xx

anyway here's a pic of my faves at the zoo xx

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