Chapter 18

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Amaani's pov:

once i got home i stared at the jersey with Kobbies number on before deciding to send him a text,


hey Kobbie, it's Amaani from the game

hey Amaani

what took you so long

boi i've only just got home

okay okay i'll let you off

hope you enjoyed the game, even if we did lose

nope sorry, guess you've gotta win the next game

hm only if your coming to that one too

that can be arranged

it definitely can

everton away, i'll pick you up x

sorted x


omg he's picking you up and taking you there??

why does this never happen to me??

i'm sure jack would love to xx

who's Jack Tia? ;)

no one important xx

only her lover xx

shut up Temple xx


kobbie has followed you
reneètemple has followed you
tiamaynard has followed you
saffiekahn_ has followed you
tyraalexanderarnold has followed you
madelyncline has followed you

kobbie has followed youreneètemple has followed youtiamaynard has followed yousaffiekahn_ has followed youtyraalexanderarnold has followed youmadelyncline has followed you

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liked by reneètemple, kobbie and 176 others
amaani.rivers needed a drink after that match

reneètemple: so did we after being in that stadium 😖🤢
amaani.rivers: @/reneètemple drama queen 🥰

tiamaynard: your kinda...
amaani.rivers: wdum kinda🙄

kobbie: sorry, we'll try harder next time🫡😅😉
amaani.rivers: @/kobbie good🥱😏

user3: is this kobbies gf??

user9: she's pretty 🥰

amaani.rivers has followed you

liked by jobebellingham, madelyncline and 32,927 othersreneètemple my face going into old trafford:

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liked by jobebellingham, madelyncline and 32,927 others
reneètemple my face going into old trafford:

tiamaynard: valid
*liked by reneètemple*

saffiekahn_: same
*liked by reneètemple*

amaani.rivers: 🙄
reneètemple: @/amaani.rivers 😙

user4: she's too pretty ugh

user2: jobes acc punching

user7: 🤢

secretlyamaani has followed you

liked by tyraalexanderarnold, madelyncline and 34 othersmostdefinitelynotreneè hello camera

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liked by tyraalexanderarnold, madelyncline and 34 others
mostdefinitelynotreneè hello camera

maybetiamaybenot: all i can think of is that tiktok-
mostdefinitelynotreneè: "say hi to the camera, say hi to the camera" random man: hello camera 😁

bobejellingham: 😍😍
*liked by mostdefinitelynotreneè*

mostdefinitelynotreneè has followed you
maybetiamaybenot has followed you
notmymainoo has followed you

mostdefinitelynotreneè has followed youmaybetiamaybenot has followed younotmymainoo has followed you

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liked by notmymainoo, maybetiamaybenot and 23 others
secretlyamaani no caption just vibes

notmymainoo: 🔥
*liked by secretlyamaani*
maybetiamaybenot: @/notmymainoo 🤨
mostdefinitelynotreneè: @/notmymainoo 🤔

bit of a diff chapter cuz ManUtd1999_treble made me a deal 🥰

hope u enjoyed don't forget to vote and comment🥰

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