Cerulean Contest

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The gang had finally arrived in Cerulean City, and they were given a big welcome from Misty who was very happy to see them. Cora showed Misty her Knowledge Symbol.

"How's your gym doing, Misty?" Cora asked.

"I'm swamped with trainers wishing to battle for a badge." Misty replied, "You ready for the Pokémon contest, Cora and May?"

"We are, but we better go and register at once." Cora decided.


The gang ran over to the contest hall to sign up. Since Cora and May were doing the contests in the Kanto region, they were given Kanto passes and new ribbon cases. May was given an orange case and Cora had a light blue case.

"Oh, there is something I forgot to tell you." Misty remembered. She explained that her sister Daisy was entering the contest.

"Is Daisy planning to become a Pokémon coordinator?" Brock asked, curious.

"Not exactly, she just wants to show off at a Pokémon contest for once, you know what my sisters are like." Misty replied.

So Cora and May had a rival to deal with as well as each other in their first Kanto contest.


Soon it was time for the Pokémon contest. The announcer was a woman named Lilian, and she was Vivian's sister, so she looked like Vivian only with shorter hair. Just like the Hoenn contests the three judges were Mr. Contesta, Mr. Suziko and Cerulean City's Nurse Joy. Lilian presented the Cerulean ribbon, which was yellow with a light-yellow outline. The ribbon looked different from Cora and May's Hoenn ribbons; it was a pin with two ribbon tails dangling from the pin. The rules were different too; the challengers got to choose different Pokémon for each round.


Alain, Brock, Mairin, Ash, Aaron (Lucario) and Max sat in the audience seats with Misty, who wanted to watch the contest too. Misty's other sisters, Violet and Lily, were taking care of the gym today. In the waiting room, Cora and May met up with Daisy, who was happy to see Cora again because she hadn't seen her for so long. Daisy explained that she saw Pokémon contests on the TV and thought they were fun, so she wanted to try it out herself for once. She was also proud of Cora winning the Hoenn Grand Festival.

"Brace yourselves, Cora and May, because I won't be going easy." Daisy declared.

"Neither will I." Cora agreed.

"Me neither." May added.


The contest was soon on the way and Daisy was up first. She called out a Ludicolo.

"Ludicolo, it's Rain Dance time." Ludicolo started to dance. It soon made it rain, but it only rained on Ludicolo and not in the whole arena.

"Okay Ludicolo time for Sunny Day now." Ludicolo did Sunny Day and the rain still stayed but the sunlight made the rain drop glisten and it also created a rainbow. The audience loved it and clapped and cheered.


Other performances went on after Daisy's turn, and then it came to Cora's turn. She called out Nicola (Neureon).

"Nicola, use Double Electro Ball!" Nicola created copies of herself and formed an orb on electrical energy.

"Psychic!" Nicola's eyes glowed blue and the electro balls were outlined blue. Then the orbs shaped a lightning bolt above her and Cora.

"Now use Psybeam!" Nicola's yellow gem on her forehead glowed and shot a multicolored beam from it. The attack caused the electro balls to explode into fireworks. Then Nicola finished off with a pose. Lilian and the judges were impressed with that.


Next up was May's turn and she called out her Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur, let's show them our combination of Razor Leaf and Petal Dance!" Bulbasaur fired Petal Dance into the air and then followed up with Razor Leaf. The Razor Leaf and Petal Dance collided with each other in the air, and it looked like a bouquet of flowers.


After all the performances were over, the results for the battle round came up. Cora, Daisy and May passed the round with five other coordinators.


The battle rounds were soon up. For the battle rounds Cora, Daisy and May used a different Pokémon; Cora used Kalmia (Meganium), May used Cleffa and Daisy used her Milotic. They each defeated their opponents in the first round, but in the second round May had to battle Daisy. Unfortunately, she lost. Cora was able to beat her opponent who used a Hitmontop.


Then it was Cora's turn to face Daisy in the final battle.

Cora and Daisy called out their Pokémon and the battle soon started.

"Milotic, let's go with Ice Beam!" Daisy commanded.

"Dodge that and use Energy Ball!" Cora countered.

Kalmia managed to dodge the ice beam attack and hit Milotic with Energy Ball.

"Use Petal Dance!" Kalmia fired petal dance from her flower and the attack hit Milotic good.

"Quick Milotic use Recover!" Milotic glowed yellow and healed itself.

"Okay Kalmia, let's move in with Solar Beam." Kalmia stored in energy to get ready to use Solar Beam.

"Use Hydro Pump, Milotic!" Milotic fired Hydro Pump and Kalmia fired her Solar Beam attack. Kalmia's Solar Beam was stronger than Milotic's Hydro Pump and it shot through the Hydro Pump and hit Milotic. Milotic got real damage from the solar beam and fainted.

So Cora was the winner of the Pokémon contest, and she hugged Kalmia. Daisy returned her Milotic and said that it did its best.


Cora was presented with the Cerulean ribbon.

"I know you will do great performances here in Kanto like you did in Hoenn, Cora." Mr. Contesta stated.

"Thank you, sir." Cora thanked him. She was happy to have earned her first Kanto ribbon.


After it was all over, Daisy and Misty said their goodbyes to the others. They had to go back to the gym. Daisy said that even though the contest seemed fun, she prefers the life as an actress model because it involved no battles.

"You all take care and do well in other Pokémon contests." Daisy said.

"You do well in your Frontier battles, Cora, Alain, Ash." Misty added.

Then Daisy and Misty went back to the gym. May decided that she was going to practice more with her Pokémon and get more Pokémon.


So with the Cerulean contest done, the gang left Cerulean City for their destination to Saffron City.


Pokémon Caught:

Cora: Lucario (Aaron)(M)

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