Silver Contest

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The gang was finally at Silver Town and Cora and May were getting ready for the contest. May decided to use Squirtle for the appeal rounds and Combusken for the battle rounds. Cora decided to use Lupa (Midday Form Lycanroc) for the appeal rounds and Zuma (Alolan Raichu) for the battle rounds. 


It was soon time for the Silver Town contest. Lilian did the usual introductions and showed off the Silver Town ribbon. The ribbon had two blue ribbons with a white outline dangling from the pin. May, Cora and the other coordinators were ready for the contest to start.

Suddenly a man, wearing a smart business suit, came running in, "Sorry, I hope I'm not too late for the contest!" he apologized.

Cora remembered this man. The man's name was Jeremy and he was a salaryman and a contestant in the contest.

Cora and May were surprised to know that a salaryman was participating. Alain, Brock, Ash, Max and Mairin were surprised too.

"Do you think that man will be okay?" Max asked, worriedly, "he didn't look like the type of man that would enter a contest to me."

"Well, we must never judge appearances," Brock advised, "so we'll just see what he can do."


The appeal rounds were soon on the way. There was a Bellossom, an Exeggutor and a Farfetch'd. May was next and she called out Squirtle. As soon as Squirtle came out of his Pokéball he did ice beam while spinning, which created a rain of sparkles as he landed on the stage. The audience liked it. Then Squirtle did Bubble and created lots of little bubbles and a big bubble. To finish it off Squirtle did Ice Beam which burst all of the small bubbles and it did burst the big bubble, but it created an ice sculpture after the bubble burst. Then Squirtle landed on the ice sculpture to finish.


Cora came up next and she released Lupa.

"Lupa, Stone Edge and then jumped on top!" Lupa summoned a bunch of rocks from the ground and Lupa leaped onto the middle one.

"Use Rock Throw!" Lupa releases circular multi-colored waves from its body, white orbs of aura appear in front of itself, before rocks form inside the orbs, leaving a white glow around the rocks. It then shoots the rocks in the air.

"Now Swift!" Lupa summoned a bunch of stars from her tail and slashed her tail towards the rocks which broke the rocks into pieces. The sparkles of the Rock Throw and Swift attack sprinkle on her. The judges were impressed by this.


Then came Jeremy, but he was wearing a rock star sort of outfit; black leather jacket and black trousers, a pair of shades and a pair of black gloves. He called out a Butterfree and he told it to use Stun Spore and Poison Powder. It created a wave of purple and orange pollen. Then he told Butterfree to use Safeguard. The light from Butterfree's safeguard made the orange and purple pollen light up like the northern lights. Everyone was amazed with Jeremy's performance.

"It looks like we have a tough rival on our hands today, May." Cora commented.

"I agree." May agreed.

Suddenly a woman and a boy came up to the stage.

"Stop it!" The woman shouted, "this has gone on long enough!"

Cora recalled that the woman's name was Mandy and the boy's name was Nicolas and they were Jeremy's wife and son. Mandy and Nicolas were not happy with what Jeremy was doing; they thought he was being childish being in a Pokémon contest. Jeremy tried to reason with them, saying that he has wanted to enter a Pokémon contest for ages. Mandy still didn't take his words and ordered Jeremy to just come home at once. Cora and May thought Mandy and Nicolas were being unfair and decided to help.

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