Nineteen (1)

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Bex's day had been the worst she'd had in a long time. To add to her fallout with Cole, her bracelet had snapped earlier that morning in the kitchen, the light blue and yellow crystals firing across the unit as they fell. She hated that Cole, Danny and Nathan had seen her in such a state as she fled the room.

"You're very quiet today. You sure you're okay?" Danny questioned Bex as she put her books back in her locker and grabbed her track uniform. 

Bex turned to him, looking behind his shoulder to see Cole making his way over to the two. "Yeah. Fine. Just a headache." She rambled, slamming her locker door and taking off as Cole reached his twin. 

"The amount of money this school spends on football." Cole gritted, watching the girl's back as she retreated through the hallway away from him.  

"Look, there's, like, maximum two games till the football season's over. And then the hallways will be free and clear." Danny assured, looking to his left as three cheerleaders ran past cheering. "Well, mostly clear." He laughed.  

"Just gotta make it to lunch." Cole sighed, shaking his head. 

"That's the spirit." Danny laughed, shaking his shoulders as they left for class.


"Okay! Great work, Bex! I think you just became first team leader." Coach Collins congratulated as Bex crossed the finish line, Erin hot on her tail.

"No, I'm first team leader." Erin seethed. 

"And when you beat Bex's time, you will be again." Coach Collins explained, matter-of-factly. 

"But she's only just got here." Erin exclaimed, raising her arms

"Why don't you run five more laps instead of your mouth?" Collins expressed, crossing her arms. 

"That's not fair!" Erin cried. 

"Actually, ten laps might burn off this energy a little bit better." The coach countered. 

"Okay, you can't..." Erin started but her mother cut her off. 

"You say one more thing and you will be grounded on top of the laps." She threatened. 

"Can you not, Mom? We're at school." Erin gritted. 

"Five laps. Make 'em good." Coach Collins decreed, watching as Erin took off round the track. 

"I didn't know you and Erin were..." Bex started, trailing off her sentence. 

"Related." Coach Collins finished. "Yeah. She doesn't like us mentioning it." She laughed, handing Bex a set of forms. "Okay, all I'm gonna need from you is a parent's... guardian's signature for the next out-of-town meet, okay?" She corrected.

Bex nodded, heading to the changing rooms, changing in one of the cubicles and stopping as her phone pinged. She opened it to read a reminder for Lucy's Birthday. 

"Like I would have forgotten." She mumbled to herself, shoving her phone into her pocket as two girls from Jackie's class entered the bathroom.

"You're really going without me?" Paige sighed.

"Sorry. You weren't invited." Ruby replied, re-applying her lipstick in the bathroom mirror. Both girls unaware of Bex's presence. "But Dylan is looking extra tasty today, and I'm looking equally as hot, so it's Darwinism."

"I really need somebody new to flirt with." Paige moaned, fixing her hair. 

"Except that Bex girl is like cornering the market on all the available boys." Ruby remarked.

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