Nineteen (2)

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"Sh!" Bex and Cole both whispered as they dragged Jackie into the house as she laughed.

"Hi, Katherine!" Jackie beamed, looking over Bex's shoulder into the kitchen, making the four stop and turn to see an angry faced Katherine with her arms folded staring at them.

"Where have you guys been?" She criticised. "Oh, wow. That's a look. Can't wait to hear this explanation." She added, taking in Jackie's condition.

"We went to a party." Jackie cheered.

"Which I practically forced them to go to." Cole defended.

"And I just drove, so..." Danny sighed, chucking the leys to his mother and heading up the stairs. ( keys jangle )

"Good night." Katherine called up the stairs to Danny.

"Yeah, good night." He muttered, passing George who came down the stairs.

"Where have you been? Whoa. Whoa." He stopped, taking in the appearances of the three who stood at the bottom of the stairs.

"I already did that part." Katherine explained to her husband.

"Okay, well, have you done the part where they're grounded all weekend yet?" George questioned.

"Really? I've never been grounded before." Jackie gasped dramatically.

"Oh don't worry sweetheart. You messaged us at lunch to say you were "hanging out with friends" so at least you let us know." Katherine sighed. "As for the two of you." She turned towards the two blondes.

"I should be the only one that's grounded." Cole quickly piped in.

"Although, I've never actually been drunk before either." Jackie continued to ramble.

"Before you say anything else, I'm just gonna get you upstairs to bed." Katherine said to Jackie, helping Bex lift her up the stairs.

"No." George said, halting Cole from following the girls. "Not you." he waited until the girls were out of earshot before speaking to his son in the kitchen. "Do you even understand everything that they've been through? And how hard all of this is? Look we are supposed to be making this easier so you have to do better. Clear?" George criticised.

"Yeah. You're right. I'll be better." Cole sighed, his head dipped slightly as he tried to end the conversation.

"Cole." George continued. "Drinking and staying out all night? Quitting on your school work? This isn't who you are. We're gonna have to turn all this around, right? If you want to get to college..." He elaborated.

"Maybe I don't want to go to college." Cole raised his voice.

"What?" Katherine said, making both men turn to her as she appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"We all know I'm not the smartest. Okay? And now that I don't have football, I don't have anything to offer colleges." Cole shrugged.

"No." George shook his head, denying Cole's explanation.

"But I already figured that out. So why haven't you?" Cole sighed, frustrated with his parents.

"Cole. Cole." George called as Cole headed for the door.

"Honey." Katherine called.

"I'm gonna go work on my truck. Okay, at least I can do that right." Cole said, reaching for the door handle.

"Hey, can you get back in here?" George ordered more than he asked.

"Or what?" Cole countered, opening the door and taking a step out. "You gonna ground me twice?" And with that he slammed the door.

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