Spinning out (2)

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Cole awoke with a groan as the light flew into the room from his brother's open window. The sound of Danny slamming several drawers shut prompting him to life the covers from over his head and look at his twin with a grimace.

"Oh, good morning." Danny beamed sarcastically. "Was I making too much noise in our room at noon?" He criticised.

"Hey, it's Saturday," Cole argued, turning over on his side. "and I didn't get to sleep until... very late last night. Please leave me alone." he pleaded, trying his best to not remember the events of the previous night.

"Why don't you get some coffee and some bacon like a normal person and just get your shit together before Mom's award tonight?" Danny sighed, moving towards the door at the sound of a knock.

"Yeah, her awards thing. Sure. Okay." Cole groaned as Danny opened the door to see Bex stood there.

"Hey-" She stopped, glancing over at Cole who narrowed his eyes and turned away from her promptly.

Danny observed the interaction with the same furrowed brows that appeared on Bex's face.

"Uh..." She continued. "Lunch is ready, Katherine sent me to come get you." She smiled at Danny who nodded and followed her out of the room.

"You're gonna thank me later." Danny called back into the room to his brother.

"Yeah, I doubt it." Cole yelled back.


"All right. Look, Cole, hurry up." Lee yelled as he banged on the bathroom door. "I gotta get ready, man." Bex and Will came upstairs carrying a few baskets of laundry as they observed the struggling boy. "He's been in there for like half an hour." Lee cried as he turned to the two older kids.

"Hey, you can use the downstairs bathroom if you want, we don't mind." Bex smiled, as she placed her laundry basket next to the hamper.

"There's no way there's any hot water left." He sighed, making his way down the stairs.

"Cole." Will proceeded to bang his fist on the door. "Cole, come on. Cole!" he continued to yell, unaware of the boy stood with his head in his hands as the warm water fell down his back.


"Hey," George called, spotting Cole in the hallway downstairs, making a bee line for the front door. "I was just coming to talk to you." he replied, Cole looking over his shoulder to see Bex walking out of the kitchen with a glass of water in her hand as she spoke with Nathan.

"Sorry, Dad, I gotta be somewhere." He replied, turning around.

"Give me two minutes, will you?" George scoffed.

"What is it?" Cole snapped, his hand firmly on the door handle. "Gonna lay some of your Walter words of wisdom on me?"

George's brows furrowed, taking a step back from the boy. "I guess not."


"10 minutes!" Bex heard George yell up the stairs as she finished up the last of her makeup. 

"How'd I look?" Jackie turned to her as she smiled.

"You look lovely!" Bex beamed back at the girl, taking in her long, red, thin-strapped dress and her perfectly straightened hair. "Perfect Jackie." she added.

She stood from her desk, observing her own light blue, floor length dress with white heels and her blonde hair in loose Beach curl that cascaded over her shoulders.

A knock at the door dragged them both out of the mirror as Jackie opened the door to reveal Danny.

"You guys ready to go?" he smiled.

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