Baggage (2)

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The bonfire started roaring long before the Walter's made it. Arriving at the drinks table, Cole grabbed two plastic cups of beer, handing one to Bex as he downed his own.

"Hey, Cole." Paige smiled as she walked past the pair, brushing her hand on his shoulder as she kept walking. Bex felt him tense and shake his head slightly, moving to grab another cup before returning to her side.

"You okay?" She questioned, looking up at him.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good." He reassured.

"Yo," Nathan called, running to the pair with Isaac hot on his trail. "Do you think he's listened to the song yet? I think I should ask him. Do you think I should ask him?" He rambled, panicking as he turned from the group to Skylar.

"Dude, just chill." Cole laughed. "Like, if you're really into him, just plant the seed and let him come to you. Yeah?" He advised.

"Yeah, yeah. You're right. You're right. Yeah." He nodded, turning to see Isaac walking towards Skylar and Grace. "Hey, what are you doing?" Nathan whisper shouted at his cousin.

"Planting the seed." Isaac called back. Approaching Grace as he smiled. "Hi."

"Hi." She smiled back, a little uneasily.

"You care if we join you?" He asked, making both Bex and Cole laugh from the side-lines.

Danny approached the pair, smiling. "Hey Cole, you coming to play Beer Pong?"

"We are the reigning champions." Cole laughed to Bex, moving to join his brother as she grabbed another beer.

"Hey Bex." Ruby approached her at the table.

"Ruby right?" Bex smiled back, taking a sip from her cup.

"Listen- um could we talk? In private." The girl asked.

Bex nodded, following her away from the crowd to a quieter area of the bonfire.

"What's up?" She asked Ruby who looked a little uncomfortable.

"I just-" The girl started, looking Bex in the eyes. "I know we don't know each other well but I felt like I needed to say something."

"Okay?" Bex replied, unsure of where the conversation was going.

"I Just don't want you to get hurt." Ruby continued.

"What are you talking about?" Bex laughed uneasily.

"I don't want what happened to Paige to happen to you." Ruby blurted out, causing Bex to stare at her blankly.

"What does Paige have to do with anything?" Bex questioned, taking another drink before crossing her arms.

"He really didn't tell you anything did he?" Ruby sighed, sympathetically as she touched Bex's upper arm.

"Ruby spit it out." Bex stated, confused as to what the girl was on about.

"It's always the same with him. With Cole." She clarified, making Bex furrow her brows. "Listen." Ruby voice softened. "Paige used to be my best friend, and I wasn't able to help her when she got involved with Cole Walter so I feel it's my duty to help you."

"I don't understand" Bex chuckled uneasily.

"Cole doesn't do 'the girlfriend' thing. C'mon Bex you know that. That's why Erin walked away from him again."

Bex's mind stopped whirling as she took in what Ruby had just said. In every conversation her and Cole had had involving Erin, he always inferred it was him who broke it off.

"Erin 'broke up' with him last year too." Ruby continued. "Erin and Paige always hated each other so Cole used it to his advantage and got with Paige to make Erin jealous. Which worked because a few days later Cole ditched Paige to get back with Erin and never spoke to her again." Ruby added. "Think about it. Erin broke up with him and he ran to you. The one person he knew would make Erin's blood boil."

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