Spinning Out (1)

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"Lying here is a 24-year-old adult male, which appears to be hibernating peacefully in its natural habitat. However, invisible to the naked eye, a process known as quarter-life crisis has officially begun." Jordan documented as he circled Will who slept in the den.

"I'm not having a quarter-life crisis." Will corrected, sitting up to look at his younger brother. 

"That's not what Cole said. " Jordan laughed, leaving Will to collapse back into his pillow as the young boy left.


"Morning." Katherine hummed, passing Will a cup of Coffee as she turned back to the pancakes.

"Morning." He groaned, sitting at the breakfast counter and pulling out the paper from under the fruit bowl. 

"Did you sleep well?" She questioned lightly, turning to see Will rubbing the back of his neck. "Honey, I really wish you'd just let me set up the barn loft for you. It's getting warmer. The kids hardly use it anymore." Katherine pleaded. 

"It's fine." Will dismissed. "I already feel like I'm imposing enough as it is." 

"You're not imposing. This is your home. We just want you to be comfortable." Katherine corrected. 

"Thanks, Mom." Will smiled, taking a sip from the mug. 

"How are things at the Lark?" Katherine asked with genuine concern for her son. 

"Fine. Yeah. Weird... being there without Hayley." Will explained. "You know, we're... we're giving each other space, but... She's working days, and I'm working nights. But I'm still a yes for the gala tomorrow night." Will reassured, turning his attention back to the paper. "Mom." He gasped.

"Hmm?" She hummed, turning her attention from the food to her eldest. 

"You're in the paper." Will beamed. 

"Oh God. I am?" Katherine groaned. 

"Yeah." He chuckled, looking at the paper as he read it aloud. "'Katherine Walter is to be recognized as Veterinarian of the Year at this weekend's Colorado Association of Veterinarians gala for contributions to the agricultural community.'" 

"Oh, I hate that picture." Katherine shook her head as she inspected the paper handed to her.

"Look at that! This is going on the fridge." Will beamed, snatching the paper back and moving to the fridge door. 

"What? No. That isn't refrigerator worthy." Katherine countered.

"It's better than Benny's macaroni portrait of Berzurkey." Will laughed. 

"Wow. Don't let him hear you say that." Katherine replied, shocked at the dismissal of her son's macaroni art.

"Don't let who hear what?" George came into the kitchen. "Morning." He smiled at the two. 

"Hey. Look, Mom made the paper." Will smiled, handing George the paper.

 "Oh, I love that picture of you. Fame at last." George smiled, observing the article.

"Oh, yes. I made the local news, right next to the coupons." Katherine criticised. 

"Well, you're a superstar to me." He smiled, kissing her on the cheek and placing the paper on the fridge.

The two noticed how Will swiftly left the room and shared an uneasy look between them. 

"He seems so heartbroken." Katherine sighed as she sat down at the counter.

"I know. I'll talk to him." George nodded, turning his attention out of the window when a loud honking sounded. Cole ran down the stairs, slamming the door behind him and heading to the group of boys waiting in the drive. "And to Cole." George sighed.

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