Yeah, alright Kiddo

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Lia and Jessica stood outside, passing the ball back and forth between themselves, the occasional rainbow flick and step over thrown in there. They had been stood on the training pitch for the past 15 minutes or so, kicking the ball between each other, Jessica usually misaiming her pass, forcing Lia to chase after the ball that rolled into the distance. She was still trying to decide whether she was doing it intentionally.

It was only when the rest of the Arsenal girls came piling out, that Jessica had remembered where she was. The world of football, and having the ball at her feet had transported her from reality, shifting herself closer to Lia when she noted the herd of female football players racing over to her, quite ungracefully, it must be added. She leaned her bodyweight against the side of the Swiss midfielder, who took the young girl's petite body with ease, before wrapping her arms around the waist of the older woman.

She observed each of the Arsenal players, stood in their own groups as they were making their way over, each individual carrying a personality that Jessica had grown to love. Beth, Jen and Steph stood in their small trio, one that was never split, as they were giggling away at something Beth had presumably said, Viv and Kim looking on in disappointment. To the side of them, Lotte, Alessia, Vic, Kyra, Katie and Caitlin were practically skipping into the grounds, Katie leading the pack as Alessia tripped over mid air, sending them all into stitches of laughter. Behind them, followed Amanda, Lina, Stina, Frida and Laura, deep in conversation, all but whispering to each other about different things, trailed after by Kathrine, Gio, Noelle, Laia, Teyah and Cloe, watching in despair at the set of girls. Jessica grinned, as she watched the final girls, GK Union, make their way out of the changing rooms. They were mad, but they had grown to be her family, a group of girls she had developed a love for. 

It was only when both herself and Lia had stopped giggling at Alessia's unfortunate mishap, that she had realised that her sister had not joined the team. She searched through the crowds of girls, but spotted nothing except a wave of blonde hair and a variety of accents. She turned to Lia, a concern in her facial features, begging to know where her sister was, but Lia couldn't offer her an answer. 


"Don't worry munchkin, I'll go and ask one of the girls. You're ok with these guys for a bit. Trust me"

Having a football at her feet helped Jessica discover a newfound confidence that she had certainly not began the day with. She took a deep breath, as she tried to figure out where to head to, softly releasing her arms from around the midfielders waist, but still keeping herself leaned against the older woman. She glanced around her, observing each girl, as they all offered her a small smile. Jessica turned to look up at the Swiss, who had slightly tapped her on the shoulder, before turning to face the young girl fully.

"How about keeping your air pods in Jess, you don't have to play any music through them. Maybe it'll help to balance everything out"

"Make sure you keep your fidget toy on you as well, and your phone, munchkin. Message me if you need anything"

It wasn't to shabby of a suggestion from Lia. She was good at that kind of thing. Lia offered the young girl a hug, one which she accepted gladly, before letting go of each other. Jessica moved to place her air pods into her ears, before taking another deep breath, and dribbling over to Beth, Jen and Steph, who were still laughing away at whatever joke had just been mentioned.


Lia headed inside into the training grounds, in search for her best mate. She had questioned Kim on the defenders whereabouts, only to be met with a sad look in the captains eyes, with the response,

"She needed time to cool down. Asked to be left alone for a bit."

So, after searching the now-empty cafeteria, changing rooms, and physio rooms, Lia found herself walking quite swiftly down the corridor, to the toilets. She had prepared herself to be met with the young woman in a state, crying or angry, yet when she opened the doors, all that she could see, was a composed version of the defender, looking at herself through the mirror hanging above the sink, hands holding onto the counter, slightly bent over the side. Her eyes darted up in a panic, however, as she saw Lia enter the toilets,

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